List of all known subject(s) created by Salvador Espin.
(If you find an article that is not shown here, please add "Salvador Espin" into "Creators" field of said article.)
(If you find an article that is not shown here, please add "Salvador Espin" into "Creators" field of said article.)
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All items (498)
- A Friend (Earth-TRN743)
- Abraham Kieros (Jubilee 10)
- Adam Neramani (Jubilee 10)
- Alexander Summers (Earth-90631)
- Alexander Summers (Earth-TRN992)
- Alison Blaire (Jubilee 10)
- Alison Blaire (Jubilee 4)
- Allison Kemp (Earth-616)
- Alpha (Mutant) (Earth-TRN992)
- Alpha Flight (Earth-TRN563)
- Amara Aquilla (Jubilee 10)
- Amjad (Earth-61610)
- Amp (Michelle) (Earth-90631)
- Angelica Jones (Earth-90631)
- Angelica Jones (Jubilee 10)
- Anthony Stark (Earth-90631)
- Antos'
- Aquaria Neptunia (Earth-92124)
- Arakko (Jubilee 10)
- Arcade (Jubilee 10)
- Arkady Rossovich (Jubilee 10)
- Arkon (Jubilee 10)
- Artume (Earth-92124)
- Autumn Rolfson (Jubilee 10)
- Avengers (Earth-763)
- Avengers (Earth-90631)
- Avengers (Jubilee 10)
- Baqir (Earth-61610)
- Beard of Beespool (Earth-616)
- Benjamin Grimm (Earth-TRN664)
- Benjamin Grimm (Jubilee 10)
- Bolivar Trask (Jubilee 10)
- Brett Punchwell (Earth-TRN743)
- Brian Braddock (Jubilee 10)
- Bright Disease
- Bruce Banner (Afterlife) (Earth-15513)
- Bruce Banner (Jubilee 10)
- Brunnhilde (Earth-12101)
- Bug (Dragon) (Earth-61610)
- Bundespolizei (Earth-616)
- Cain Marko (Earth-90631)
- Cain Marko (Jubilee 10)
- Caliban (Jubilee 10)
- Callisto (Jubilee 10)
- Calvin Rankin (Earth-TRN992)
- Cameron Hodge (Jubilee 10)
- Carol Danvers (Jubilee 10)
- Carter Ryking (Earth-92131)
- Cassandra Webb (Jubilee 10)
- Cecilia Reyes (Jubilee 10)
- Charles Xavier (Earth-90631)
- Charles Xavier (Experiment 34896) (Earth-TRN992)
- Charles Xavier (Jubilee 10)
- Charon (Olympian) (Earth-15513)
- Chibipool (Earth-31539)
- Chimera (Jubilee 10)
- Christoph Nord (Jubilee 10)
- Clement Wilson (Jubilee 10)
- Clopples (Earth-616)
- Club Venom
- Coldwar (Earth-616)
- Constantine Barlow (Earth-20051)
- Cromwell Avenue
- Crystalia Amaquelin (Jubilee 10)
- Curtis Connors (Earth-61610)
- Dakimh (Earth-TRN743)
- Dane Whitman (Jubilee 10)
- Daniel Ketch (Jubilee 10)
- Danielle Moonstar (Jubilee 10)
- Dark Riders (Jubilee 10)
- Deadpool Die™
- Deathlok (Earth-61886)
- Deathlokpool (Earth-43224)
- Defenders (Valkyrior) (Earth-12101)
- Dicero (Earth-616)
- Dominikos Petrakis (Jubilee 10)
- Donald Pierce (Jubilee 10)
- Douglas Ramsey (Earth-TRN992)
- Douglas Ramsey (Jubilee 10)
- Earth-763
- Earth-1119
- Earth-2814
- Earth-8149
- Earth-8823
- Earth-9744
- Earth-10102
- Earth-11022
- Earth-13415
- Earth-17238
- Earth-41627
- Earth-61422
- Earth-61886
- Earth-77281
- Earth-91162
- Earth-10001011
- Earth-TRN743
- Earth-TRN992
- Eileen Harsaw (Jubilee 10)
- Elite Mutant Force (Earth-TRN992)
- Elizabeth Braddock (Jubilee 10)
- Emma Frost (Earth-90631)
- Emma Frost (Jubilee 10)
- Emma Frost (Jubilee 9)
- En Sabah Nur (Earth-TRN992)
- En Sabah Nur (Jubilee 10)
- Eric Brooks (Earth-61610)
- Eric Masterson (Jubilee 10)
- Erik Lehnsherr (Jubilee 10)
- Erik the Red (Jubilee 10)
- Eva Bell (Earth-TRN992)
- Evan Sabahnur (Jubilee 9)
- Evil Deadpool (Earth-616)
- Evil Deadpool Corps (Multiverse)
- Fabian Cortez (Jubilee 10)
- Fabio Medina (Earth-TRN992)
- Fantastic Four (Jubilee 10)
- Farcus (Earth-616)
- Five (Jubilee 10)
- Flag-Smasher (Carl) (Earth-616)
- Forge (Earth-2814)
- Forge (Jubilee 10)
- Frankenstein's Monster (Earth-61610)
- Frederick Dukes (Earth-90631)
- Frederick Dukes (Jubilee 10)
- Friends of Humanity (Jubilee 10)
- Gamesmaster (Jubilee 10)
- Gaveedra Seven (Jubilee 10)
- Generation X (Jubilee 9)
- Genesis (Jubilee 10)
- George Tarleton (Earth-763)
- George Washington Bridge (Jubilee 10)
- Gilded Tomb
- Glow Worm (Jubilee 10)
- Gorgon (Earth-616)
- Graydon Creed (Jubilee 10)
- Gregor Ballant (Earth-20051)
- Grootpool (Earth-77281)
- Guido Carosella (Jubilee 10)
- Guzz (Earth-616)
- Harold (Roxxon) (Earth-TRN743)
- Harvey Elder (Earth-15513)
- Hawkeyepool (Earth-17238)
- Healer (Morlock) (Jubilee 10)
- Heather McNeil (Jubilee 10)
- Heather Tucker (Jubilee 10)
- Henry Gyrich (Jubilee 10)
- Henry McCoy (Earth-763)
- Henry McCoy (Earth-90631)
- Henry McCoy (Jubilee 10)
- Hercules Panhellenios (Earth-92124)
- Hercules Panhellenios (Jubilee 10)
- Hippolyta (Earth-12101)
- Hope Summers (Earth-11022)
- Horsemen of Apocalypse (Earth-TRN992)
- Horsemen of Apocalypse (Jubilee 10)
- Howard Duckson (Earth-TRN626)
- Howling Commandos (Earth-61610)
- Huang Qiaolian (Earth-616)
- Hylan Boulevard