Marvel Database
List of all notable quotes by or about Scott Adsit (Earth-616).
(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
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Quote1 Before we begin this meeting, please help me welcome some new recruits! You guys are happy to be here, right? Quote2
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 1 146
Quote1 Lady -- the Nova Corps stands in defense of every system in the universe. And I don't see a scenario where someone working with Loki gets to call the shots. If anyone is bringing Nebula down, it will be us. And we will take possession of the Asgardian doomsday weapon. We've been tracking her since she helped Thanos regain his powers -- not that they did him much good. We should be able to intercept her before she reaches Sol. Quote2
Asgardians of the Galaxy Vol 1 4
Quote1 You know we don't have shoe phones anymore, right? Quote2
Scott Adsit (Earth-616)
DeadpoolQuote1 Preston is pissed at you. Quote2
Scott Adsit (Earth-616) from Deadpool Vol 5 22 001
Agent Adsit
Quote1 My arm is broken. Quote2
DeadpoolQuote1 Her neck was snapped. Quote2
Scott Adsit (Earth-616) from Deadpool Vol 5 22 001
Agent Adsit
Quote1 It's not the same. I bet her neck didn't hurt after she died. Quote2
Deadpool Vol 5 22
Emily PrestonQuote1 Scott... What did you see when that bomb went off? Quote2
Scott AdsitQuote1 I saw... I saw... Deadpool kill his family. Quote2
Deadpool Vol 5 33

All items (5)
