Marvel Database
List of all notable quotes by or about Sebastian Shaw (Earth-616).
(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
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Quote1 We'll contact those mutants, just as Xavier plans to – only the Hellfire Club will get there first, and recruit them – by hook or by crook. And if, along the way, we manage to acquire – or eliminate – some of the X-Men, so much the better. Quote2
X-Men Vol 1 129
Quote1 I think Ororo would make an exquisite White Queen. Quote2
Uncanny X-Men Vol 1 152
Quote1 Fear. Of what we are, and what we represent. Now, I'll give him cause. Quote2
Classic X-Men Vol 1 7
Quote1 Welcome then, Magneto and Storm, jointly to the throne of the White King... Quote2
New Mutants Vol 1 51
Quote1 What is mine... is mine. And what is theirs... is mine. Quote2
X-Force Vol 1 49
Quote1 Ah...I miss the days when I could openly hire decent bodyguards. Quote2
Excalibur Vol 1 96
Quote1 That's right, X-Men. Your worst nightmare is once more horrific reality... Sebastian Shaw lives! Quote2
X-Men Vol 2 63
Quote1 Upon analysis, it would appear that X-51's capacities have been dramatically improved, making it perhaps the most powerful cybernetic construct on the planet. And if that is true... then I, and I alone, must have complete control of its systems. Quote2
X-51 Vol 1 0
Quote1 I don't think so. My darling Tessa... you have no idea how eagerly I've looked forward to our reunion. And hearing firsthand both how and why you betrayed me. Quote2
X-Treme X-Men Vol 1 6
Quote1 I've decided it's time for a change. To take the course I should have taken when Charles Xavier and I first met. The one Tessa recommended. Quote2
Uncanny X-Men Vol 1 453
Quote1 Ah, Emma. Good to see -- No, don't do that. Diamond form, I think. Without your bothersome telepathy. Stay like that, if you will. I don't like it when you change. Quote2
Uncanny X-Men Vol 1 532
Quote1 I-- I don't know who you are, but I'm sorry. You weren't supposed to be here. I only meant to do this to them. Quote2
Generation Hope Vol 1 13
Quote1 I'm back at zero. The only things I thought I learned about myself were lies. No, actually, I now know one thing I am...a murderer. Quote2
Generation Hope Vol 1 14
Quote1 It's you, Erik! You are my offering to Mothervine! You are my sacrifice! Quote2
X-Men: Blue Vol 1 24
Quote1 She needs a captain and I need an ally. I need you to be the Black Bishop... with more accolades to come. Quote2
Marauders Vol 1 3
Quote1 Obviously my body has been hurt, but my spirit has not dimmed. Fear not. In any state, I remain Krakoa's humble servant. Quote2
Marauders Vol 1 16
Quote1 I underestimated them[1] once too. Whatever your quarrel, it's over. Quote2
Marauders Vol 1 24
Quote1 Frost? You think I respect Frost? "I do it for the children"? Hogwash! You're like me and always have been. You do it for the money. You do it for the power. You do it because you know you're better than people! And you... you don't get to judge me, little god! You-- Come back and listen! Quote2
Immortal X-Men Vol 1 6
Quote1 What is there to discuss? Yes, we can now resurrect any mutant we please. But not every mutant deserves it. Quote2
X-Men Unlimited Infinity Comic Vol 1 70
Quote1 What is mine. And what is mine. Quote2
Sebastian Shaw (Earth-616)
Quote1 Welcome to Blackstone. The crown jewel of Hellfire Bay. Quote2
Blackstone (Krakoa)
Quote1 The Red Keep. Blackstone. The White Palace. Three separate strongholds that are one. We ask much of Krakoa, and in return Krakoa asks much of us. This is Hellfire Bay, and I... am her Black King. Quote2
Hellfire Bay
Quote1 My Hellfire armor. Designed by myself, commissioned and built for when I'd need it. Like it? Quote2
Hellfire Armor
"Tessa"Quote1 Sebastian... I suggest you look again. Closer, this time. Deeper. Past the facade of her flesh - to the flame of her heart, real and raging. Do you see what I see..? The slow, smoldering fire in her eyes... Quote2
Sebastian ShawQuote1 I see no fire, Tessa, no flame... Except for the Inferno itself. Quote2
X-Man Vol 1 22

All items (24)
