Marvel Database
List of all notable quotes by or about Sebastion Gilberti (Earth-616).
(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
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Quote1 I wanted you to see this, Charles. But more than that... I wanted you to understand. Your goal? Your crusade? Your sacred dream? It's over. Quote2
X-Men Vol 2 65
Quote1 NO! Fools! Release me now! You have no idea what you are up against! Quote2
Astonishing X-Men Vol 2 1
Quote1 Tracking them through conventional methods has proven fruitless; whether that's a technology he possesses, or an ability the girl is manifesting we can determine later. For the time being...all of our mutant-hunting methodologies are functionally useless. As are the X-Men's -- but we, unlike them, are not completely blind. Because I've planned on absolutely everything. The techno-organic virus that allowed me to resurrect you all burns within Cable as well. We won't track the X-Men. We won't track the girl. We won't even track Cable, but rather, we'll track the virus itself. X marks the spot. You'll pardon the irony, I'm sure. Quote2
Uncanny X-Men Vol 1 523
Quote1 Targets Shatterstar and Miller are liberating target Banshee...Sanguinely. Quote2
X-Factor Vol 1 205
Quote1 They think they've won, but the dome is still closed. The only thing that has changed is who will kill this filth. Quote2
X-Men: Legacy Vol 1 237
Quote1 NO! Fools! Release me now! You have no idea what you are up against! Quote2
Sebastion Gilberti (Earth-616)
Quote1 This is the future of humanity. This is the end of mutantkind. Quote2
Human Council (Earth-616)

All items (8)
