Marvel Database
List of all notable quotes by or about Sharon Ventura (Earth-616).
(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
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Quote1 He's a man! I can't touch a man! Quote2
Fantastic Four Vol 1 308
Quote1 You did it! Ben, you paid him back for what he did to us! Quote2
Fantastic Four Vol 1 310
Quote1 I was screwed up before, but that was only in my mind... Quote2
Fantastic Four Vol 1 311
Quote1 But Ms. Marvel is the new freak on the block. And she's already crazy! Quote2
Fantastic Four Vol 1 312
Quote1 You know, now that I don't have to despise him for his gender, I can see how incredible he is! Quote2
Fantastic Four Vol 1 313
Quote1 So the Mole Man couldn't turn me back to normal! Normal isn't a thing I want to be right now--so to speak! Quote2
Fantastic Four Vol 1 314
Quote1 I'm as committed to the Fantastic Four as any of you originals! Quote2
Fantastic Four Vol 1 318
Quote1 Reed, if we have to fight these guys, we're liable to kill them! Quote2
Fantastic Four Vol 1 335
Quote1 Something's happened to me, Ben! Something awful! Quote2
Fantastic Four Vol 1 378
Quote1 Don't lie to me, Ben! Reed couldn't help me the last time I was a She-Thing! Quote2
Fantastic Four Vol 1 379
Quote1 Susan Richards! You had a "thing" with the Black Panther? Quote2
4 Vol 1 21
Sharon Ventura (Earth-616) from Fantastic Four Vol 5 10 0001
Ms. Marvel
Quote1 I'm not the Thing, you idiot! I'm Ms. Marvel! Quote2
Bruce Banner (Earth-616) from Hulk Vol 2 7 0001
Quote1 Figures you'd---unh--change your name. Could'a been worse. You could'a called yourself She-Thing. Quote2
Sharon Ventura (Earth-616) from Fantastic Four Vol 5 10 0001
Ms. Marvel
Quote1 You think you're funny, don't you? Quote2
Incredible Hulk Vol 1 365
William Taurens (Earth-616) from Incredible Hulk Vol 1 341 0001
Quote1 Come on... the boss wants to give him a greeting. Quote2
Sharon Ventura (Earth-616) 002
Quote1 And here he is. Hello, lover, it's been a while. Quote2
ThingQuote1 Wha..., I don' believe it! Yer th' boss here? Sharon? Sharon Ventura?! Quote2
Sharon Ventura (Earth-616) 002
Quote1 I don't answer to that name anymore, Ben--haven't in a long time. I'm She-Thing. Simple. And as of today, I own you. Quote2
Fantastic Four Vol 5 9

All items (13)
