Marvel Database
List of all notable quotes by or about Sif (Earth-616).
(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
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Quote1 Let not thy heart be heavy, noble one! Though Sif is possessed of greater skill, thou art still supreme in naked power! Quote2
Thor Vol 1 137
Quote1 Was ever maiden faced with problem such as this? Quote2
Thor Vol 1 151
Quote1 My Lord! The fate of Earth is in thy hands! Thou must not falter! Quote2
Thor Vol 1 164
Quote1 Where my Beloved sallies forth -- Let his Lady Sif be at his side! Quote2
Thor Vol 1 184
Quote1 We must act at once if Jane Foster is to survive. Though the cost will be great, I cannot falter. Quote2
Thor Vol 1 235
Quote1 There shall be naught to keep Hela's obscene hordes from the shining towers of Asgard itself! THen, without Odin beside him-- and wielding merely a sword instead of his mystic mallet, the true god of thunder shall lead the sons of the realm forward to what he knows shall be their final glory--Because of you, mortal! Because of you! Quote2
Thor Vol 1 277
Quote1 Harokin! Warriors of Valhalla! Heed my call! The demons' infernal machinery above the city beckons. Shall we live forever? Rise up, you great hearts! Draw your weapons! And follow me into Hel! Quote2
Thor Vol 1 351
Quote1 Sweet Thor, 'tis truly wonderful to have thee home again. To have thee whole again. To be imprisoned within a Mortal's Body. I can't imagine the like... Quote2
Mighty Thor Vol 1 460
Quote1 Revolting! To think that any sentient creature could resort to such depravity! These aberrations cannot be suffered! Quote2
Thunderstrike Vol 1 3
Quote1 Thor -- he who was my love -- he is dead. And Bill, you who are my friend -- Perhaps Ragnarok comes. Quote2
Thor Vol 1 492
Quote1 Think of it, people! If he's an Asgardian, the same could be true for us! We could be gods, people! Gods! So let's start acting like them! Strike now for honor! For glory! For Asgard! Quote2
Journey Into Mystery Vol 1 510
Quote1 I am the Lady Sif. Born a goddess and forged a warrior. I have been baptized in the tears of my enemies. And their children's children fear my name. Quote2
Sif Vol 1 1
Quote1 To Hel with Cul. We fight for Thor! Quote2
Mighty Thor Vol 3 17
Quote1 Think of it, people! If he's an Asgardian, the same could be true for us! We could be gods, people! Gods! So let's start acting like them! Strike now for honor! For glory! For Asgard! Quote2
Sif (Earth-616)
ThorQuote1 Get thee hence, fair Sif! For, though thy heart is gallantry itself... still art thou merely a woman! Quote2
SifQuote1 I say thee nay, God of Thunder! Though my form be female, I do fight for Asgard... and if need be, so shall I die! Quote2
Thor Vol 1 139
LokiQuote1 Will thou swear fealty to none but Loki? Quote2
SifQuote1 NEVER! Not though I die a thousand deaths Quote2
LokiQuote1 In thy case, one will suffice Quote2
Thor Vol 1 191
Lady SifQuote1 Milord--we feared for thy life! When I saw these Demons overwhelm thee, I thought--! Quote2
ThorQuote1 'Twould take more than these to defeat me, milady! Thou didst fear for naught. Quote2
Thor Vol 1 220
HildegardeQuote1 Milady, methinks thou does fear too much. Thor is strong, brave -- Quote2
SifQuote1 --And like all men, foolhardy. Quote2
Thor Vol 1 227
Thor Vol 4 1 Ribic Variant Textless
Thor (Jane Foster)
Quote1 How much have you had to drink? Quote2
Journey Into Mystery Vol 1 647 Philip Tan Variant Textless
Lady Sif
Quote1 The usual amount when dealing with the Odinson. Quote2
Thor: The Worthy Vol 1 1

All items (20)
