Marvel Database
List of all notable quotes by or about T'Challa (Earth-8096).
(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
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Iron ManQuote1 I'm just saying, it's ironic. All the complaining about technology, and now... an eternal Asgardian super-winter is threatening to destroy all life on Earth. You have irony, right? In Asgard? Quote2
Black PantherQuote1 External temperatures are dropping exponentially. The engines are seizing! Quote2
ThorQuote1 Indeed, we do have irony. Just as you are having some right now. Quote2
Iron ManQuote1 I hate magic! Quote2
Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes (animated series) Season 1 15
Captain AmericaQuote1 We're not leaving him behind, Tony. Quote2
Iron ManQuote1 Cap, this is it. This is the moment Kang talked about. The decision you make right now. This is what determines the future. If we don't shut down this wormhole, it's over for everyone. Quote2
Black PantherQuote1 Iron Man is correct, Captain. This is the only thing that matters. Quote2
WaspQuote1 T'Challa! Quote2
Black PantherQuote1 I only do now as my father did. I protect Wakanda. But unlike any other Black Panther, I have had the privilege of doing it by your sides, as an Avenger. Quote2
Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes (animated series) Season 2 24

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