Marvel Database
List of all notable quotes by or about Theresa Cassidy (Earth-616).
(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
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Quote1 Somehow, I doubt I'm the one in danger o' bein' hurt. Quote2
Spider-Woman Vol 1 37
Quote1 There are things I hate about you, Tom Cassidy... But, heaven help me, I love you too... Quote2
X-Force Vol 1 31
Quote1 Sparing his life is a way to take something back from him... your humanity. Quote2
Deadpool Vol 3 3
Quote1 Modicum of respect? Is that a euphemism for sycophancy, Da? Quote2
Generation X Vol 1 44
Quote1 He'll be back. He's not fooling me. Nope. Not for a minute. Nice try, Da. Nice try. Quote2
X-Factor Vol 3 7
Quote1 God? Excuse me... It's Theresa Cassidy. Although I guess you'd be knowing that. You're, uh... You're putting us through a lot down here. I know they say you don't give people more than they can handle. But honestly, you're really pushing that axiom to the limit here. Quote2
X-Factor Vol 3 27
Quote1 My vocal cords are lethal. My estrogen level is berserk. Between Braxton-Hocks and my huge belly, I haven't slept in weeks. And I gotta pee...again. Free advice, Ms. Cooper. Never bet your life on what you think you know about a hormonal, sleep-deprived W.M.D. with a full bladder. Quote2
X-Factor Vol 3 37
Quote1 I swore that if I saw you again, I'd break your neck. I've had a month to dwell on muh state of mind when I said that. A month to regret it or not regret it or whichever way. Thankee. Thankee for coming back as an evil version so I would'na hafta doubt muhself no more. Quote2
X-Factor Vol 3 48
Quote1 I need a drink. Quote2
X-Factor Vol 1 239
Quote1 Lá Fhéile Páidrig sona daoibh, a bhuachaillí! Quote2
X-Men Unlimited Infinity Comic Vol 1 26
Quote1 Well, I don't see any of the election winners steppin' in, so I guess this one's up ta us whether we like it or not. Quote2
X-Men Unlimited Infinity Comic Vol 1 52
Quote1 My vocal cords are lethal. My estrogen level is berserk. Between Braxton-Hicks and my huge belly, I haven't slept in weeks. And I gotta pee... again. Free advice, Ms. Cooper. Never bet your life on what you think you know about a hormonal, sleep-deprived W.M.D. with a full bladder. Quote2
Theresa Cassidy (Earth-616)
Theresa Cassidy (Earth-616) from Deadpool Vol 2 1 0001
Quote1 Can ye just shut up for one moment!?! Quote2
Wade Wilson (Earth-616) from Cable & Deadpool Vol 1 9 0001
Quote1 this point, anything's possible... Quote2
Deadpool Vol 2 3
Layla Miller (Earth-616) from X-Factor Vol 1 240 001
Layla Miller
Quote1 Uh-oh. Quote2
Theresa Cassidy (Earth-616) from X-Factor Vol 1 230 001
Quote1 Good "uh-oh" or bad "uh-oh? Quote2
Layla Miller (Earth-616) from X-Factor Vol 1 240 001
Layla Miller
Quote1 When is "uh-oh" ever good? Quote2
Theresa Cassidy (Earth-616) from X-Factor Vol 1 230 001
Quote1 Yeah, I guess I didn't really think that one -- Quote2
X-Factor Vol 1 244
Penance (Monet St. Croix)Quote1 Hmph. Their loss. Quote2
Siryn (Theresa Cassidy)Quote1 Right ye are, Monet. Right ye are. Quote2
X-Men Vote Comic Strips Vol 2 4

All items (15)
