Marvel Database
List of all notable quotes by or about Thomas Raymond (Earth-616).
(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
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Quote1 Know who that is? ...the Human Torch! Well, what are you standing there for? ...Arrest Him! Quote2
Human Torch Vol 1 6
Quote1 I'd give plenty to get my hands on that nut! Boy! Would I warm him over! Quote2
Marvel Mystery Comics Vol 1 59
Quote1 What a bunch of crumbs -- tryin' to ambush us in the middle of a bunch of innocent bystanders! Quote2
Invaders Vol 1 5
Quote1 Sean was on his way here, Maeve. He was run off the road. He'll be all right, I think-- but he asked me to come and explain why he couldn't be here. I thought, by keeping, silent, I could turn your heart from him to me. But I reckoned without my own heart. Even though you'll probably hate me for it... I find I cannot lie to you. Even about this. Do you hate me, Maeve, for what I've done? Quote2
Classic X-Men Vol 1 16
Quote1 I'm Toro. Tom Raymond. The man you killed. And I'm here to return the favor. Quote2
Torch Vol 1 1
Quote1 I'm Toro. Tom Raymond. The man you killed. And I'm here to return the favor. Quote2
Thomas Raymond (Earth-616)

All items (6)
