Marvel Database
List of all notable quotes by or about Valerie Cooper (Earth-616).
(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
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Quote1 The city is ruled by a wizard named Kulan Gath. Quote2
Uncanny X-Men Vol 1 190
Quote1 With the information they've received, they have everything they need. And I'm afraid it isn't going to be anywhere near enough... Quote2
X-Factor Vol 1 60
Quote1 Every time this phone rings, it's trouble. Quote2
X-Factor Vol 1 82
Quote1 Welcome to X-Factor, Forge-- This is just the beginning. Quote2
X-Factor Vol 1 94
Quote1 What we have, gentlemen, is simply a nation reverting to barbarism! Quote2
Avengers Vol 1 368
Quote1 These people trusted me with their lives. In a world that hates and fears them, I'm supposed to be their representative, their liaison, to the government. And now look at them. I've failed them too many times, Ed. I will not do it again. Quote2
X-Factor Vol 1 137
Quote1 I believe in you. I'm your friend, Kyle. And my friends call me Val. Quote2
X-Factor Vol 1 142
Quote1 On 9/11, Mr. President, terrorist hijackers turned civilian airliners into weapons of mass destruction. Where mutants are concerned, that role can be played by a single individual. Like it or not, gentleman, battle line have already been drawn between mutants and humanity. Quote2
X-Treme X-Men Vol 1 31
Quote1 As I was saying... should a Sentinel find itself in a position of deciding between a hypothetical scientist who could theoretically save millions -- and three real-life senators who head up the armed services committee which oversees a military budget in the billions... Well, it's really a no-brainer, isn't it? Quote2
Sentinel Squad O*N*E Vol 1 1
Quote1 No one cares about you, Lazer. No one cares if I kill you right here and now. Believe this. You give me that code, right now, or I am going to smash your skull. Quote2
Civil War: X-Men Vol 1 4
Quote1 I don't believe it--the great Alexei Vazhin--James Bond, Nick Fury, and George Smiley rolled into one--you're actually scared! Quote2
Alexei Vazhin (Earth-616)
Valerie CooperQuote1 What is this facility, Creed? Why did all these people have to die? Quote2
SabretoothQuote1 Sorry, Doc, that information is on a need-to-know basis. And you and the rest of the scout troop only need to know two things. One, you were never supposed to have come this far into the facility. And now that you die, too! Quote2
X-Factor Vol 1 122
Valerie Cooper (Earth-616) from X-Factor Vol 3 14 001
Valerie Cooper
Quote1 Have we heard from X-Factor? Quote2
No Image Male
Quote1 Isn't that the mutie group that came out agains the Registration Act? Quote2
Valerie Cooper (Earth-616) from X-Factor Vol 3 14 001
Valerie Cooper
Quote1 Yes. Quote2
No Image Male
Quote1 Not a word. You think they're behind this? Quote2
Valerie Cooper (Earth-616) from X-Factor Vol 3 14 001
Valerie Cooper
Quote1 My guess is they're smack in the middle of it. Quote2
X-Factor Vol 3 30

All items (13)
