List of all notable quotes by or about Vivian Vision (Earth-616).
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(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
These people said they wanted to keep our friends safe. But that was never what they wanted, was it?
It's not for you to tell me what I am. I know myself far better than anyone else could. Just like you know who you are, and it's wrong for me to question it and unquestionable for you to change it.
Considering how much you like to point out that we are children, I must say, it's very difficult to curb the impulse I have to tell you...Pou are not our mother so we do not have to do what you say.
I used to be more emotional, like you. Then, within a very short period of time, my brother was killed and my mother committed suicide. After that, I decided that emotions were not something in which I cared to indulge.
Riri Williams | I appreciate you guys bringing me on board, but I've never done the team thing before, so it just feels... weird. I feel weird... like I don't belong. |
Viv | "Weird" is a construct born of new experiences. New experiences may create tension, but also opportunity. Together we can ease each other through them and grow. |
Riri Williams | Translation -- we're all weirdos here and that's okay. |
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