Marvel Database
List of all notable quotes by or about Wilbur Day (Earth-616).
(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
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Quote1 So long as I am master of my stilts, I'm unbeatable! I'm completely invincible! Quote2
Daredevil Vol 1 8
Quote1 ...The Stilt-Man will stride again! Quote2
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 1 237
Quote1 Everyone here lost everything. People. Purpose. But also...responsibilities. Not just to others, but also to some...version of ourselves we believed necessary. Quote2
Iron Man Vol 6 10
Quote1 I'd had enough of everything back home. Being constantly humiliated when all I wanted was a stake in something. So I came here with a plan. I wanted to show that I could be a leader. Create something good. And I did. Quote2
Iron Man Vol 6 11
Quote1 So long as I am master of my stilts, I'm unbeatable! I'm completely invincible! Quote2
Wilbur Day (Earth-616)

All items (5)
