Marvel Database
List of all notable quotes by or about Zeus Panhellenios (Earth-616).
(Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.)
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Quote1 For ages I have watched the humans make a mess of Earth! Now the time has come to stop them destroying themselves. Quote2
Amazing Adult Fantasy Vol 1 13
Quote1 Know ye, Avengers, that you shall pay for the calamity which has claimed my son! You shall be punished! ...And the punishment shall be DEATH BY TORMENT!! Such is the will of ZEUS!! Quote2
Avengers Vol 1 281
Quote1 The lesson is that mortal women know when to shut up! Quote2
Incredible Hulk: Hercules Unleashed Vol 1 1
Quote1 Declare thine allegiance once and for all, Hercules! Art thou Avenger of Earth, friend to the Asgardian -- or art thou defender and scion of Olympus? Quote2
Thor Vol 2 7
Quote1 Thou must teach them to grow their own food, lest they become too dependent upon thee. They now worship thee beyond reason. Quote2
Thor Vol 2 61
Quote1 Each of your deaths has served a purpose -- None of you will ever grasp the fullness of my work. Am I terrible? Am I callous? Am I unjust? Of course! But I am also utterly necessary. Quote2
Incredible Hercules Vol 1 130
Quote1 Offering yourself as a sacrifice. Dying for other people's sins. Wrong religion. Quote2
Incredible Hulks Vol 1 622
Quote1 As long as the Sun shines upon the Earth, for you there shall be no road home. Quote2
Avengers No Road Home Vol 1 4
Quote1 I will not allow it! This is our time -- The age of pity is over -- Quote2
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 6 12
Quote1 Hear me, you who cling to life. You who cower in the ruins of your dreams. Tell your fellows. Tell your masters. The wheel has turned. This is no longer the universe you thought you knew. The time of calm is over. The time of fire and lightning has returned. Now is the time of monsters… and nowhere is safe. Quote2
Zeus Panhellenios (Earth-616)
Zeus Panhellenios (Earth-616) and Hera Argeia (Earth-616) from Incredible Hulks Vol 1 621 001
Quote1 You still lack the proper respect...but after tasting the poisonous mortality you have borne...I begin to understand. So prepare yourself for your reward...from a father whose heart surges with gratitude...and pride. Quote2
Hercules Panhellenios (Earth-616) from Defenders Vol 1 62 001
Quote1 Ah, father...thank you...but no. Quote2
Zeus Panhellenios (Earth-616) and Hera Argeia (Earth-616) from Incredible Hulks Vol 1 621 001
Quote1 Still so suspicious? I'm giving you back your godhood, boy! Quote2
Hercules Panhellenios (Earth-616) from Defenders Vol 1 62 001
Quote1 Boy, eh? I'd rather be a man. Quote2
Herc Vol 1 10

All items (11)
