Marvel Database

Quote1 Listen Kid, me and the Widow've been together a long time. Quote2
Ivan Petrovitch

Appearing in "The Battle of Los Angeles!"

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Synopsis for "The Battle of Los Angeles!"

The Russians beat Herc, Angel, and Ghost Rider and take them back to their hideout just as Iceman and Ivan home in on the location. Iceman holds them off outside while Ivan heads in to be reunited with Widow and Bruskin. Their relief is short-lived as their enemies surround them with the other Champions as their captives. Finally, the Crimson Dynamo unmasks and reveals to Ivan that his son lives.


  • This issue contains a letters page, Cables of Champions. Letters are published from Andy Schrieber and Robert Helmerichs.
  • As seen on page one, this issue is Story#C-112.

See Also

Links and References

