Marvel Database
Marvel Database

Below is a list of characters whose reality does not have an official designation and we do not feel the reality is defined enough to assign a TRN to. NOTE: The list may also include characters whose home reality is totally unknown - they are only shown outside their reality with no indication of where they are from.

Character Index - Unknown Realities[]


Anthony Masters (Earth-Unknown) from Marvel Comics Vol 1 1001 0001
Appearances: Marvel Comics #1001

Taskmaster was one of the villains killed by Deadpool.[1]

Ten Rings[]

Ten Rings (Earth-Unknown) from What If...? (animated series) Season 2 9 Appearances: What If...? S2E09

Xu Wenwu and Ten Rings from an unknown reality were captured by Doctor Strange Supreme. They were seen fighting a variant of Rocket Raccoon. One of them got shot by Gunslinger Loki and fell. While they were teleported by Strange to the Forge, they gave Captain Carter and Kahhori, their weapons, most notably Hooked-Swords. They along with everyone were sent back to their reality by Kahhori[2]


Terror-Saur (Earth-Unknown) from Strange Tales II Vol 1 3 001 Appearances: Strange Tales II #3

Terror-Saur was a terrorist who had been genetically spliced with the DNA of a velociraptor and carried a nuclear warhead on his back. The US Agent was commissioned by the CIA to eliminate it by offering him a fee of 5 million dollars. US Agent accepted and went to Terrorstan where he faced Terror-Saur and killed him after beating him up.[3]


Thanos (Earth-Unknown) from Deadpool & the Mercs for Money Vol 1 5 001 Appearances: Deadpool & the Mercs for Money #5

Thanos was murdered by Skaar. He was briefly seen by an unnamed Rigellian Recorder after it entered a rift into the Prime Marvel Universe.[4]

Thanos (Earth-Unknown) from Spider-Man Annual Vol 3 1 001 Appearances: Spider-Man Annual (Vol. 3) #1

Thanos was one of the combatants in the first Secret Roar. He was seen battling Thor Dissatisfied with the war they had created, the supervising Celestial destroyed their Battlerealm and all its inhabitants, including Thanos.[5]

Notes: This character is never identified by name, thus the article assumes that he shares name and secret identity with his Earth-616 counterpart - even if most Larval Earth characters have some kind of animal-based pun in their names.

Thanos (Earth-Unknown) from Marvel Comics Vol 1 1001 0001
Appearances: Marvel Comics #1001

Thanos was fighting Avengers, when Deadpool arrived and killed him.[1]

No Image Male Mentions: Marvel Contest of Champions

Thanos competed in an alternate version of the Contest of Champions and lost against Kang the Conqueror.[6]


Benjamin Grimm (Earth-Unknown) from Crazy Magazine Vol 1 28 0001 Appearances: Crazy Magazine #28

The Thing attended the 1st Annual duly authorized super hero convention where he watched Mister Fantastic attempt to stick a "Tear Along Dotted Line" sign onto Sue Storm.[7]

Benjamin Grimm (Earth-Unknown) from Bug Vol 1 1 0001 Appearances: Bug #1

Ben Grimm and the rest of the Fantastic Four were bombarded by Gamma Radiation instead of Cosmic Radiation. This reality formed when Annihilus (Earth-77640) attempted to conquer the space-time continuum.[8]

Benjamin Grimm (Earth-Unknown) from Exiles Vol 2 6 0001 Appearances: Exiles (Vol. 2) #6

Thing was a member of an alternate team of Exiles who was seen by the Exiles when they visited the Panoptichron.[9]

Benjamin Grimm (Earth-Unknown) from Strange Tales Vol 5 2 0001 Appearances: Strange Tales (Vol. 5) #2

This version of The Thing helped his girlfriend Alicia Masters attempt to sell and display her sculptures in a gallery when her father wanted her to get a job. Later, when she got a job as a cake decorator one of her customers wanted a cake of the Thing which he had to tell her she had made him green on the cake.[10]

Benjamin Grimm (Earth-Unknown) from Fear Itself Fearsome Four Vol 1 2 0001 Appearances: Fear Itself: Fearsome Four #2

This version of The Thing was captured and brainwashed into working for Psycho Man's fear army and along with other members of the army was tasked with capturing Man-Thing. The only member of the army shown on Earth-616 was Frankenstein's Monster so the whereabouts and fate of the Thing are unknown.[11]

Benjamin Grimm (Earth-Unknown) from Amazing Spider-Man Vol 3 1 001 Appearances: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 3) #1

The Thing was among the individuals that knew that Peter Parker was Spider-Man.[12]

Benjamin Grimm (Earth-Unknown) from Spider-Man Annual Vol 3 1 001 Appearances: Spider-Man Annual (Vol. 3) #1

The Thing was one of the combatants in the first Secret Roar. He was seen battling Hulk Bunny and later Mooster Fantastic. Dissatisfied with the war they had created, the supervising celestial destroyed their battlerealm and all its inhabitants, including Ben Grimm.[5]

Benjamin Grimm (Earth-Unknown) from Hulk Vol 3 9 001
Appearances: Hulk (Vol. 3) #9

Thing was killed by Maestro.[13]

Benjamin Grimm (Earth-Unknown) from Strange Tales Vol 5 2 001
Appearances: Strange Tales (Vol. 5) #2

When Thing and Human Torch decided to grow mustaches (with Thing growing sage mustaches), Invisible Woman was angry because she didn't like them. Later, Plantman attacked a golf course, Fantastic Four intervened and the villain used his powers to control Thing's mustaches, so Invisible Woman suggested to Human Torch to burn them; an angry Thing defeated Plantman. After these events, Invisible Woman gave a razor to the Thing who used it to cut Human Torch's mustaches. At the end, Thing began to grow herb hair.[10]

Benjamin Grimm (Earth-Unknown) from Marvel Comics Vol 1 1000 001
Appearances: Marvel Comics #1000

Thing was one of little Black Bolt new teachers who reproached him for being late for school, but when he tried to justify himself, his voice destroyed the school.[14]

Benjamin Grimm (Earth-Unknown) from Fantastic Four Vol 7 7 0001
Appearances: Fantastic Four (Vol. 7) #7

Thing was one of the Fantastic Four attacked by a furious Doctor Doom. After having defeated them, Doom travelled back in time in order to prevent Valeria Richards to be accidentally lost in time, despite Reed Richards had told him it could be danger for the girl.[15]

Benjamin Grimm (Earth-Unknown) from Fantastic Four Vol 7 7 0002
Appearances: Fantastic Four (Vol. 7) #7

In this reality, the Thing escaped with the other Fantastic Four just before Reed Richards teleported both the Negative Zone invaders and an alternate Doctor Doom to the outer space.[15]

Fantastic Four (Earth-Unknown) from Fantastic Four Vol 7 7 0004
Appearances: Fantastic Four (Vol. 7) #7

In this reality, the Thing escaped with the other Fantastic Four just before Reed Richards' machine (without any control) teleported both the Negative Zone invaders and an alternate Doctor Doom to the outer space.[15]

Fantastic Four (Earth-Unknown) from Fantastic Four Vol 7 7 0003
Appearances: Fantastic Four (Vol. 7) #7

When Doctor Doom tried to kidnap Valeria Richards, the Thing and Reed Richards arrived and save the girl (using Reed's machine to teleport the entire building away).[15]

Benjamin Grimm (Earth-Unknown) from Fantastic Four Vol 7 7 0003
Appearances: Fantastic Four (Vol. 7) #7

The Thing attacked Doctor Doom when he tried to kill Reed Richards.[15]

Benjamin Grimm (Earth-Unknown) from Fantastic Four Vol 7 7 0004
Appearances: Fantastic Four (Vol. 7) #7

In this reality Doctor Doom trapped the Fantastic Four into a force field while Galactus was coming to Earth.[15]

Benjamin Grimm (Earth-Unknown) from Fantastic Four Vol 7 7 0005
Appearances: Fantastic Four (Vol. 7) #7

In this reality Doctor Doom killed all the heroes of Earth, including the Thing.[15]

Benjamin Grimm and Steven Rogers (Earth-Unknown) from Incredible Hulk Vol 1 261 0001
Appearances: Incredible Hulk #261

The Absorbing Man of Earth-616 imagined to absorb the power of the whole Earth in order to destroy all the heroes who had previously defeated him, including The Thing.[16]


Thor Odinson[]

Thor Odinson (Earth-Unknown) from Crazy Magazine Vol 1 28 0001 Appearances: Crazy Magazine #28

Thor attended the 1st Annual duly authorized super hero convention where Iron Man had Thor use Mjolnir as a back scratcher on him.[7]

Thor Odinson (Earth-Unknown) from Bug Vol 1 1 0001 Appearances: Bug #1

Thor found a dying Green Lantern (Abin Sur) in the cave instead of the walking stick. This reality formed when Annihilus (Earth-77640) attempted to conquer the space-time continuum.[8]

No Image Male Mentions: Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 3) #1

Spider-Man told The Readers that his strength rivaled Thor's; however, Hulk interjected to argue he was stronger than them both.[12]

Thor Odinson (Earth-Unknown) from Secret Wars Secret Love Vol 1 1 0001 Appearances: Secret Wars: Secret Love #1

Squirrel Girl won a date with Thor during the Annual Super-triathlon for Animal Welfare.[17]

Thor Odinson (Earth-Unknown) from I am Groot Vol 1 4 0001 Appearances: I Am Groot #4

This version of Thor was imprisoned for an extended period of time in The Caretaker's Labyrinth on Terminal. He when was forced to lift his hammer every day which severely weakened him; when Groot discovered him, Thor asked Groot to take the hammer from him.[18]

Thor Odinson (Earth-Unknown) from Spider-Man Annual Vol 3 1 001 Appearances: Spider-Man Annual (Vol. 3) #1

Thor was one of the combatants in the first Secret Roar. He was seen battling an anamorphic Thanos. Dissatisfied with the war they had created, the supervising Celestial destroyed their Battlerealm and all its inhabitants, including Thor Odinson.[5]

Thor Odinson (Earth-Unknown) from Hulk Vol 3 9 001 Appearances: Hulk (Vol. 3) #9

Thor was killed with Mjolnir by Maestro.[13]

No Image Male Appearances: Marvel's M.O.D.O.K. Season 1 10 (Behind the Scenes)

In an alternate future of Earth-1226, M.O.D.O.K. attacked Avengers tower, causing Thor to kill him with Mjolnir.[19]

Thor Odinson (Earth-Unknown) from Longshot Saves the Marvel Universe Vol 1 3 001 Appearances: Longshot Saves the Marvel Universe #3 & Longshot Saves the Marvel Universe #4

Thor was a member of a team of Avengers who had the abilities of the Hulk were brought to Earth-14112 by Chaos to fight against Order.[20]

No Image Male Mentions: Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania

Thor was one of the Avengers killed by Kang the Conqueror. Kang mistook Ant-Man for Thor since his memories of the Avengers had blended together.[21]

Thor Odinson (Earth-Unknown) from Fantastic Four Vol 7 7 0001 Appearances: Fantastic Four (Vol. 7) #7

In this reality Doctor Doom killed all the heroes of Earth, including Thor.[15]

Thor Odinson (Earth-Unknown) from Deadpool & Wolverine 001 Appearances: Deadpool & Wolverine

Deadpool, apparently a future version of Deadpool-10005, was seen being cradled in the arms of a crying Thor. This future was accidentally shown to Deadpool-10005 by the Time Variance Authority.[22]

Thor Odinson (Earth-Unknown) from Incredible Hulk Vol 1 261 001 Appearances: Incredible Hulk #261

The Absorbing Man of Earth-616 imagined to absorb the power of the whole Earth in order to destroy all the heroes who had previously defeated him, including Thor.[16]

Thor Odinson (Earth-Unknown) from UltraForce Avengers Vol 1 1 001 Appearances: UltraForce/Avengers #1

A Catholic priest Thor was one of many sketch reality duplicates of Avengers and UltraForce members created by the mad god Nemesis who was brought to Earth-93060. He was one of many who attacked Nemesis and was seemingly destroyed by her.[23]

Note: He was among the Thor variants depicted by Alan Ross on the cover of Secret Wars #2.[24]

Thor Odinson (Earth-Unknown) from Wolverine Vol 6 12 001
Appearances: Wolverine (Vol. 6) #12

A Nazi version of Thor was summoned by the device known as the sphere in order to protect itself from the enemies of Sabretooth. He fought his Earth-616's counterpart and disappeared when the machine self-switched off.[25]


No Image Male Mentions: Spider-Man Annual (Vol. 3) #1

Thorse was once ridden by Throg.[5]


No Image Male Mentions: Spider-Man Annual (Vol. 3) #1

Throg once rode Thorse.[5]


Thumper (Earth-Unknown) from Spider-Man Across the Spider-Verse 001
Appearances: Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse

Thumper from an unknown reality was captured by the Spider-Society.[26][27]

Thunderbolt Ross[]

Thaddeus Ross (Earth-Unknown) from Marvel's Avengers Assemble Season 4 9 001 Appearances: The Once and Future Kang

Aliases: Red Hulk

Red Hulk helped Vision and Wasp overthrow Kang [28]

Thaddeus Ross (Earth-Unknown) from Hulk Vol 3 11
Appearances: Hulk (Vol. 3) #11

Aliases: Red Hulk

Red Hulk killed Hulk.[29]


Thundra (Earth-Unknown) from She-Hulk Vol 2 3 0001 Appearances: She-Hulk (Vol. 2) #3

Thundra was among the characters called up by a time projection by Justice Love to show that even without She-Hulk's intervention another super-powerful character could solve the situation involving criminals with super powers.[30]

Tier Sinclair[]

Tier Sinclair (Earth-Unknown) from X-Factor Vol 1 214 001 Appearances: X-Factor #214

While wandering in the Nevada desert, Darwin ran into Tier and his Sirrush in an abandoned movie set/western ghost town populated by people dressed in Western movie-style garb and claiming to be trapped there by Tier. Tier explained that he was The Beast of the Earth that would usher in the Apocalypse.[31]

After a standoff where Tier shot Darwin several times, Tier claimed to be the son of Rahne Sinclair. Darwin next woke up unharmed in the desert just as it began to rain.[31]

This character is assumed to be some kind of dream/illusion/future prediction from consuming some unknown desert cactus and is what drove Darwin to begin hunting the Tier of the mainstream universe.


Tiger (Earth-Unknown) from Untold Tales of Spider-Man '97 Vol 1 1 001 Appearances: Untold Tales of Spider-Man '97 #1

Tiger was a member of the Legion of Spider-Pets, a group of Spider-Man themed animals.[32]

Notes: This was a parody of DC's Streaky.

Tiger Shark[]

Tiger Shark (Earth-Unknown) from Spider-Man Across the Spider-Verse 001
Appearances: Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse

Tiger Shark from an unknown reality was captured by the Spider-Society.[26][33]

Tim Boo Ba[]

Tim Boo Ba (Earth-Unknown) from Hulk Monster-Size Special Vol 1 1 0001 Appearances: Hulk Monster-Size Special #1

Tim Boo Ba was one of the many monsters that the Hulk battled when he fought several giant monsters. These exploits were read to Goom as fairy tales.[34]


Mortimer Toynbee (Earth-Unknown) from X-Men No More Humans Vol 1 1 001 Appearances: X-Men: No More Humans #1

This version of Toad was brought to the Prime Marvel Universe by Raze Darkhölme after he sent every human on the planet to a pocket dimension. Becoming a member of his Brotherhood of Mutants he faced off against the X-Men but was knocked out early in the battle.[35]

Tom Thumb[]

Thomas Thompson (Earth-Unknown) from Fantastic Four Vol 3 47 0001 Appearances: Fantastic Four (Vol. 3) #47

This version of Tom Thumb was brought to Earth-616 by the arrival of Abraxas.[36]


Triton (Earth-Unknown) from Strange Tales Vol 5 1 0001 Appearances: Strange Tales (Vol. 5) #1

This version of Triton was one of the Inhumans honoring Lockjaw for all the work he did for the Inhuman Royal Family by being given some gourmet dog food. Before they could open the can, Crystal alerted the group to an attack by the Psycho-Man. Lockjaw followed behind and rescued the Inhumans so they would feed him. They returned to Attilan and again before the can could be open the can, they raced off to stop Annihilus and were again saved by Lockjaw. Black Bolt himself was going to feed Lockjaw but Maximus usurped his throne and the group raced off leaving Lockjaw unfed for the third time. Lockjaw teleported with the can of dog food and used it to knock Maximus out then used Maximus' helmet as a can opener, before teleporting away to eat his dinner in peace.

Triton (Earth-Unknown) from Marvel Comics Vol 1 1000 001
Appearances: Marvel Comics #1000

Triton was one of little Black Bolt's classmates. Blackagar was late, but when he tried to justify himself, his voice destroyed the school.[14]

Turkey Man[]

Turkey Man (Earth-Unknown) from Marvel's M.O.D.O.K. Season 1 10 001 Appearances: Marvel's M.O.D.O.K. Season 1 10

In an alternate future of Earth-1226, Turkey Man ambushed M.O.D.O.K. while he was getting ice cream. In the resulting confrontation, M.O.D.O.K. and the Turkey Man killed each other.[19]

Two-Gun Kid[]

Matthew Hawk (Earth-Unknown) from Bug Vol 1 1 0001 Appearances: Bug #1

Aliases: One-Gun Kid

Matthew Hawk permanently lost one of his guns and became the One-Gun Kid. This reality formed when Annihilus (Earth-77640) attempted to conquer the space-time continuum.[8]


Gordon Thomas (Earth-Unknown) from Spider-Man Across the Spider-Verse 001 Appearances: Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse

Typeface from an unknown reality was captured by the Spider-Society. When LYLA introduced him to Miles Morales, he told Miles to go to "Helvetica"[26]

Typhoid Mary[]

Mary Walker (Earth-Unknown) from Spider-Man Vol 2 14 0001 Appearances: Spider-Man (Vol. 2) #14

Typhoid Mary was infected and become a Zombie at an unknown point in time. Her reality was visited by Miles Morales & Gwendolyn Stacy when the Dimensional Travel Watch broke and they were being pulled through different realities. Typhoid Mary and the group of Zombies tried to attack and eat the pair but they were pulled away to a different reality.[37]

Note: This may be a character from one of the several known Marvel Zombies realities but this is currently unknown.

