Marvel Database
Marvel Database
Marvel Database


Comet resided on Earth-5391 a universe where advancements in space travel and exploration boomed in the late 20th Century. Her origins and background are unknown. By the year 2075, Comet was a spy working with the alien Bulka. They sought to infiltrate the Space Sentinels organization by having Bulka take the place of Captain Speed Carter. To this end, the hypnotized his lover Stellar Stone, and friends Johnny Day and Crash Morgan with orders to kill Speed. When Speed survived the attempts, they captured him instead. With Bulka disguising himself as Speed, they took the real Carter and his friends into space to eliminate them. However, Stellar -- able to tell the difference between Speed and his impostor, tricked Comet into killing Bulka. Unwilling to be captured, Comet then jumped out of the ship's airlock, dying in the vacuum of space.[1]

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