Appearing in "Ordeal"
Featured Characters:
- King Conan of Aquilonia (Main story and recap)
Supporting Characters:
- Count Trocero
- Prospero
- Princess Radegund of Aquilonia
- Black Dragons
- Leonidas
- Prince Taurus of Aquilonia
- Councilor Publius
- Queen Zenobia of Aquilonia
- ⏴ Lysander ⏵ (Name revealed)
- Baron Maloric's unnamed wizard
- Mad Zandra (First appearance)
Other Characters:
- Baron Aemilius
- Prince Conn of Aquilonia (Mentioned)
- Polix (First appearance)
- Lucius (First appearance)
- Timon Flavius (First appearance)
- King Numedides of Aquilonia (Mentioned)
Deities and Invocations:
- Crom (Invoked)
- Mitra (Invoked)
- Set, Serpent Lord of the Stygian Dark, The Serpent (Mentioned)
- Hecate (Invoked)
Races and Species:
- Earth
- Hyboria
- Aquilonia (Main story and recap)
- Tarantia (Main story and recap)
- Royal Palace (Main story and recap)
- Manor house of Timon Flavius
- Northern Aquilonia
- Baron Maloric's castle
- Tarantia (Main story and recap)
- Aquilonia (Main story and recap)
- Mount of Crom (Invoked)
- Hyboria
Events and Eras:
Synopsis for "Ordeal"
- Synopsis not yet written
Appearing in "Son of the Barbarian King"
Featured Characters:
- Prince Conn of Aquilonia (Main story and flashback)
Supporting Characters:
- Ruffius (First appearance)
- Unnamed brawler (First appearance)
Other Characters:
- Queen Zenobia of Aquilonia (Dream)
- Lepidus (First appearance)
- Lepidus' grandfather (First appearance; dies)
Deities and Invocations:
- Mitra (Mentioned)
- Bel, the God of Thieves (Mentioned)
- Saints of Mitra (Invoked)
Races and Species:
Events and Eras:
Synopsis for "Son of the Barbarian King"
- Synopsis not yet written
Solicit Synopsis
Why would King Conan protect the killer of his son, Prince Conn? There's more here than meets the eye! We'll give you a hint - sometbody left a sinister clue to the mystery last issue!