Appearing in "Revenge on the Black River"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Aquilionian Army
- Black Dragons
- Captain Tarquin (Death)
- Leonidas (Rejoins) (Death)
- Syan-Lin (Death)
- Hrolf (Death)
- Aku (Death)
- Pepin (Death)
- Pallantides
- Aesirian legion
- Hagan
- Cimmerian legion
- Eamon
- Kushite legion
- Kuaga
- Servius Gallanus (First appearance)
- Black Dragons
- Rufio
- Glisande (First appearance)
- Princess Radegund
- Queen Zenobia
- Count Trocero
- Prospero
- Dexitheus
- Prince Conn
- Followers of Asura
- Picts
- Shooz Dinj (Death)
- Unnamed chieftain (First appearance; dies)
- Crassus
- Count Barthold (First appearance)
- Baron Endore (First appearance)
- Alliance of the Nemedian, Ophirean and Argossean armies
- King Xantaus of Argos
Deities and Invocations:
Races and Species:
- Earth
- Hyboria
- Aquilonia
- Westermarck
- Black River Fortress
- Black River
- Tarantia
- Royal Castle
- Temple of Mitra
- Khorotas River
- Westermarck
- Argos (Mentioned)
- Ophir (Mentioned)
- Nemedia (Mentioned)
- Aquilonia
- Hyboria
- Valhalla (Invoked)
Events and Eras:
Synopsis for "Revenge on the Black River"
- Synopsis not yet written
Solicit Synopsis
Why are the Picts invading Aquilonia? And where did they get their sophisticated war-machines? If King Conan cannot discover that answer, it will mean the end of Aquilonia! But the time he needs has run out — for the Picts have slain his elite guard, the Black Dragons!