Appearing in "The Sack of Belverus"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Aquilonian Army
- Hagan
- Servius Gallannus
- Eamon
- Kuaga
- Prince Conn
- Prospero
- Pallantides
- Rufio
- Princess Radegund / "Moira"
- Deryck
- Zelata
- Unnamed boy-aide of Zelata
- Balmus the Scribe
- King Tarascus of Nemedia (Death)
- King Xantaus of Argos
- Crassus}
- Queen Leora of Ophir
- Prince Taurus
- Amazons
Other Characters:
- Rolf (Referenced)
- Leonidas (Mentioned)
- Memnob (Death)
Deities and Invocations:
Races and Species:
Events and Eras:
Synopsis for "The Sack of Belverus"
- Synopsis not yet written
Solicit Synopsis
While King Conan's army pushes back the legions of the nations allied against him, Conan's long-lost son, Taurus, is ordered by the traitor Crassus to carry out a deadly task. And the web of romance threatens Conan's daughter in a way she least expects, as she finds herself drawn ever closer to the son of the man her father slew!