Appearing in "The Spoils of Victory"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Aesir
- Deryck, King of the Aesir
- Aquilonian Army
- Pallantides
- Servius Gallannus
- Rufio
- Zelata
- Prince Conn (Only in recap)
- Count Trocero
- Queen Zenobia
- Princess Radegund
- Queen Leora of Ophir (Main story and recap)
- Caliastros (Main story and recap)
- Ophirian Legions / Army of Ophir
- Brax-Al-Thar
- King of Brythunia (First appearance)
- Chieftains of Hyperborea (First appearance)
- Unnamed chieftain (First appearance; dies)
Other Characters:
- Pride of Argos (Referenced)
- Xantaus (Referenced)
- Crassus (Only in recap)
- King Aechides of Corinthia (Mentioned)
- Queen of Corinthia (Mentioned)
- Queen of Corinthia's daughter (Mentioned)
Deities and Invocations:
Races and Species:
- Earth
- Hyboria
- Argos (Main story and recap)
- Messantia
- Royal Palace of Argos (Mentioned)
- Labyrinth of the Argossean Kings (Mentioned)
- Royal Palace of Argos (Mentioned)
- Khorotas River (Only in recap)
- Messantia
- Ophir
- Meadowlands of Ophir
- Corinthia
- Arbitana (First appearance)
- Koth (Mentioned)
- Brythunia (Mentioned)
- Hyperborea (Mentioned)
- Aquilonia (Mentioned)
- Tarantia (Mentioned)
- Argos (Main story and recap)
- Hyboria
- Nemedian Chronicles (Referenced)
- Royal Scepter of Argos (First appearance)
- Blood of the Serpent (Mentioned)
- Barge (Only in recap)
Events and Eras:
Synopsis for "The Spoils of Victory"
- Synopsis not yet written
Solicit Synopsis
The evil Crassus and King Xantus may be dead, but Queen Leora has escaped to form a devilish alliance with the mage Caliastros and the Warlord of Koth! And the trio has captured King Conan's son, Prince Conn, and robbed him of his memory! Can Rufio and Deryck rescue Conn before he's used as a weapon against his own father?