After encountering an alternate Gwen Stacy from Earth-65, Gwen Stacy of Earth-617 was inspired to become a detective and later bonded with the Venom symbiote of Earth-617, becoming the superhero Spider-Woman. Travelling to other dimensions, she learned of the fate that had befallen numerous other incarnations of herself and encountered other incarnations who had become Spider-Woman. Forming the Council of Spider-Women she and the others avoided taking part in the Totem War. Closely monitoring Earth-65's Gwen Stacy, she interceded through Gwen-65's Dimensional Travel Watch to prevent her from killing Matthew Murdock and sent her to meet her past self, creating a time loop.[1]
- According to Charlotte Morales-Stacy of Earth-8, all spider-powered incarnations of Gwen Stacy are members of the Council of Spider-Women.[1]
- Despite the Gwen Stacy of Earth-65 not being aware of the organization's existence, the Gwen Stacy of Earth-617 counted her as a member when asked why the Council had avoided taking part in the Totem War.[1]
See Also
- 3 mention(s) of Council of Spider-Women (Multiverse)
- 2 member(s) of Council of Spider-Women (Multiverse)
Links and References
- Council of Spider-Women members (Multiverse)