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Behold -- The Star Sword! Use it -- to defeat the Dragon Kings!

Appearing in "Tower of the Serpent-Women!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

Deities and Invocations:

Races and Species:




  • Nemedis (Flying Ship) (First appearance as "Nemedis")

Events and Eras:

Synopsis for "Tower of the Serpent-Women!"

Thongor and Sharajsha set forth on the floater christened Nemedis to Tsargol. Their quest is to find the metal known as star stone to recraft the star sword. The original sword was from the old city Nemedis and was wielded by Thungarth. In a battle against the Dragon Kings the sword was destroyed and Thungarth was slayed.

Sharajsha dropped off Thongor at the Scarlet Tower and Thongor slew his way through many slorgs to the star metal. After obtaining the metal he tied it off to his craft but was soon captured by the Sark's men. The Sark sought answers of the whereabouts of the star stone but Thongor would not speak and was sent to the arena. There he teamed up with the now former guard captain Karm Karvus who was imprisoned after Thongor's attempt at escape. Karm ensured Thongor that he wasn't responsible for his fate however as the Sark always wished to rid himself of Karm since he is a prince of Tsargol and would be in line to be the next Sark.

At the arena Karm and Thongor fought together to save an unnamed woman who was to be the Sark's favorite creatures' sacrifice. The creature in question was that of a Zemadar a giant lizard with a steel like hide. Together the two slew the Zemadar by targeting its soft eyes thus saving the woman. Thongor then turned his attention to the Sark and threw Sarkozan, Thongor's sword, towards his observing perch nailing the now dead Sark causing him to fall to the arena floor.

Appearing in "The Eyes of Mala-Tor"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Astonishing #59

Featured Characters:

  • Unnamed Old Man

Supporting Characters:

  • Mala-Tor


  • Unnamed Burglar

Other Characters:

  • Unnamed Tribe of African Natives
  • Police

Races & Species:

  • Humans (Main story and flashback)



  • Statue of Mala-Tor (Main story and flashback)

Synopsis for "The Eyes of Mala-Tor"

Reprint of the 1st story from
Astonishing #59
A thief steals of good luck statue from an old man and buries it at the base of a tree to avoid the police. When he returns for it later, he finds that the entire tree has transformed into the statue and it seizes him. The owner of the statue asks that the thief be released and the police arrest him.


  • The story Tower of the Serpent-Women! is adapted from the Thongor and the Wizard of Lemuria, a novel by Lin Carter.

See Also

Links and References


  1. 1.0 1.1 Creatures on the Loose #29
  2. Creatures on the Loose #27 ; Creature Features (letters' page)