Doesn't he realize what the Moon does to the pendant...? Makes it glow... makes my blood boil... makes me burn inside... makes me -- change!
Appearing in "Full Moon, Dark Fear!"
Featured Characters:
- Man-Wolf (John Jameson) (Main story and flashback)
Supporting Characters:
- Daily Bugle
- J. Jonah Jameson (Main story and flashback)
- Betty Brant
- Simon Stroud (First appearance)
- Unnamed lieutenant
- Various unnamed police officers
- Quint (First appearance)
Other Characters:
- God (Invoked)
- Spider-Man (Peter Parker) (Mentioned)
- Michael Morbius (Mentioned)
- U.S. Air Force (Referenced)
- NASA (Mentioned)
- Kristine Saunders (Photo)
- C.I.A. (Mentioned)
- Fidel Castro (Referenced)
- Lon Chaney (Mentioned) (Topical Reference)
- Lisa (First appearance)
- Ed (Staten Island Ferry's seaman) (First appearance)
Races and Species:
- Humans
- Werewolves
- Chickens (Referenced)
- Swans (Referenced)
- Staten Island Ferry
Synopsis for "Full Moon, Dark Fear!"
- Synopsis not yet written
Appearing in "Joe's Weak Spot"
Reprint of the 5th story from
Uncanny Tales #11
Uncanny Tales #11
Featured Characters:
- Joey (First appearance; dies)
Supporting Characters:
Other Characters:
- Unidentified Police Department
- Unnamed Police Officer
Races and Species:
Synopsis for "Joe's Weak Spot"
Reprint of the 5th story from
Uncanny Tales #11
Uncanny Tales #11
A man finds that he cannot be the boxer he wants to be with his literal glass jaw.
- In Full Moon, Dark Fear! Colletta credited as Vinnie Colletta.
- Man-Wolf Last appeared in Giant-Size Super-Heroes Featuring Spider-Man #1
- Iceman Marvel Value Stamp Series A #65 on letters page.
- Contains Ralph Macchio Fan Letter.