Marvel Database

Quote1 Human sacrifice went out when human intelligence came in! Quote2

Appearing in "Look Out, DD--Here Comes the Death-Man!"

Featured Characters:

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Synopsis for "Look Out, DD--Here Comes the Death-Man!"

Matt opens his storefront legal clinic; It's voodoo central in Central Park, and DD has to stop a human sacrifice.


  • In this issue, Foggy Nelson loses his bid for re-election as New York's District Attorney to Blake Tower. Nelson will join Matt Murdock as law partners again and open Murdock's concept "Storefront Legal Services". The Storefront is designed as "a place where the poor can come for free legal advice". The business card reads "Murdock and Nelson". After some time, "Nelson and Murdock" returns to a more traditional private practice in Daredevil #178.
  • As seen on page one, this issue is Story# JV127.
  • This issue contains a letters page, Let's Level With Daredevil. Letters are published from Johnn Sleptz Jr. and Harvey Phillips.
  • This issue contains a Series "B" Marvel Value Stamps #15 Stan Lee.

See Also

Links and References

  • The Unofficial Marvel Value Stamp Site [1]

