Marvel Database

Quote1 You may be good whipping a sniveling coward like Cobra -- But I have you now --- Quote2
Mister Hyde

Appearing in "Betrayal"

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Synopsis for "Betrayal"

DD races to Heather's apartment to rescue her only to be accosted and captured by Cobra and Mr. Hyde.


  • This issue depicts the Daily Bugle's account of Daredevil's battle with Cobra and Mister Hyde. One article features quotes from police detective Lt. Bert Rose, a former recurring character in this title who had not been seen in some time.
  • Daredevil's Billy Club is detroyed again. This time by Mister Hyde.
  • This issuce features a letters page, Let's Level With Daredevil. Letters are published from Ton Bole, Bill Dickenson, Scott Gibson, Mark Ryan, Charlie Bove, and Brian Nelson.

See Also

Links and References

