Marvel Database

Quote1 Remember my face! It's the last thing you're ever going to see ... and I want you to carry the memory of it straight to HELL! Quote2
The Punisher

Appearing in "Child's Play"

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Synopsis for "Child's Play"

A young girl on drugs takes a dive out of her school window and dies, and her brother, DD and the Punisher are all trying to track down the dealer responsible; Matt proposes to Heather. Daredevil and the Punisher get into a fight. Punisher doesnt want to kill him, so he shoots him with a tranquilizer.


  • This issue was originally meant to be published in Daredevil #167, but ran afoul of the comics code. It was re-worked and presented here under Code guidelines. A reference to this story arc is referred to in Daredevil #169 as the "Angel Dust Murders".
  • This issue contains a letters page, Devil's Advocate. Letters are published from Stu Krull, Moshe Gookall, John Knapp, Terry Fallat, Dale L. Coe and Glenn Dressler.


See Also

Links and References

