Appearing in "Now Rides the Ghost of El Condor!"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Jerome Villiers (First appearance)
- Bayard's Renegades
- Keith Bayard (First appearance)
- Chino Guardio (First appearance)
- Numerous unnamed members
- ⏴ Foggy Nelson ⏵
- Condor's Delvadian Revolutionaries
Other Characters:
- Condor (First appearance; statue)
- Cathy Villers (Mentioned in narration)
- Mary of Nazareth (Referenced)
- Jones (First appearance)
- Che Guevara (Mentioned)
- Unnamed United States Ambassador (Mentioned)
- Karen Page (Only in recap)
- United States Senate (Mentioned in narration)
- Mia Guardio (First appearance) (Chino Guardio's Wife)
- Mia and Chino's Child (First appearance)
- Satan (Mentioned)
- Lord (Mentioned)
Races and Species:
- Earthspace
- Earth
- South America
- Delvadia (First appearance)
- San Palo (First appearance; unnamed)
- Estatua del Condor (First appearance)
- United States Embassy
- San Palo (First appearance; unnamed)
- Andes Mountains
- Delvadia (First appearance)
- United States of America (Mentioned in narration)
- New York City (Referenced)
- South America
- Earth
- Heaven (Mentioned)
- Hell (Mentioned in narration)
- Devaldian Civil War (Mentioned)
Synopsis for "Now Rides the Ghost of El Condor!"
Traveling with Foggy to the city of Delvadia on a Senate fact-finding mission in order to get his mind off Karen, Matt Murdock ends up finding himself (As Daredevil) saving US Ambassador Jerome Villiers from thugs working for El Condor, a costumed revolutionary who people believe is either a reincarnation of the famous revolutionary figure of the region, or somebody posing as him.
When the ambulance drivers that are supposed to take Villiers to the hospital turn out to also be working for El Condor and take the wounded ambassador to El Condor to be their prisoner. The next day, Matt knocks out Foggy in order to become DD and find the location and stop El Condor. Along the way, he sees that US representative Keith Bayard has rounded up a posse to fight El Condor, but they are easily defeated and Bayard is captured, however DD overhears El Condor say that Bayard is more valued to him alive.
Solicit Synopsis
Continuity Notes[]
- This issued places the Devaldian Civil War 40 years prior to the start of this issue, placing it in the 1930s. This information is backed by Marvel Westerns Outlaw Files #1. However given Marvel's use of the sliding timescale the war in which Bayard and Chino fought in should be seen as a completely different event.