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Quote1 You are a dead man! My destiny is victory! Quote2

Appearing in "The Deathmarch of El Condor!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Condor's Delvadian Revolutionaries (Main story and recap)

Other Characters:

  • Florence Nightingale (Mentioned in narration)
  • Jerome Villiars (Main story and recap)
  • United States Senate (Mentioned in narration)
  • Jones (Only in recap)
  • Karen Page (Mentioned in narration)
  • Chino Guardio's Son (First appearance)
  • Mia Guardio (Chino Guardio's Wife)
  • Delvadian Army (First appearance)
    • Numerous unnamed soldiers
  • Miguel (First appearance)

Races and Species:



Synopsis for "The Deathmarch of El Condor!"

Following the troops of El Condor to their camp, Daredevil stumbles upon El Condor's plot to use helicopters as weapons to "free" the oppressors of his people. Daredevil saves the captured US representatives under El Condor's capture, and defeats most of his men. Chasing El Condor onto a helicopter, Daredevil forces the foe to leap from his helicopter.

Battling on the ground in front of the statue commemorating the original El Condor, a fluke bolt of lightning strikes the base of the mountain causing rocks and the statue to tumble down on the combatants. While Daredevil manages to get to safety, he is unable to save El Condor who is crushed under the rocks.

Solicit Synopsis

Fly high, DD - or die! The cataclysmic climax of Hornhead's epic clash with the mysterious El Condor - with enough action to keep you glued to the edge of your seat!


Continuity Errors[]

  • While using the binoculars Domingo incorrectly calls Hidalgo Rodriquez, Domingo, and Hidalgo calls Domingo, Hidalgo.

See Also

Links and References

