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Quote1 God granted me this gift--a new, holier life. But I've been a coward. Been afraid to fully live that life. Beholden to old ways. Fisk was right about one thing: It's time I stopped mocking God by pretending to be something I'm not. Every man's work... will be revealed by fire... and the fire will test the worth of every man's work. Quote2

Appearing in "Introductory Rites, Part Thirteen"

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Synopsis for "Introductory Rites, Part Thirteen"

  • Synopsis not yet written

Solicit Synopsis


A dangerous and lethal new enemy wearing a familiar face has made itself a known and violent force in the lives of the DAREDEVILS, Matt Murdock and Elektra Natchios! But after so many years of harmony in heroics, life and love, the two DAREDEVILS may have at last reached a breaking point – as the means and lengths they ought to go to dispatch this new enemy may tear them apart forever!

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