Marvel Database
Marvel Database
Marvel Database

Quote1 The Dark Overlords cannot exist on this planet unless they grow inside a human body. Quote2
Dark Overlord[src]


The Dark Overlord is a member of the Dark Overlords of the Universe, a powerful ancient alien race of worlds dominators. Confined in an alternate dimension known as The Nexus of Sominus, the Dark Overlord sought revenge and waited for the occasion of his dominion to come back.

When Dr. Walter Jenning tried to send Howard T. Duck back on his planet, something goes wrong and the Overlord was brought to Earth, where he took possession of Jenning's body. He revealed himself in a diner, just a moment before destroying it and kidnapping Beverly Switzler for having her as a host for another member of his race. After taking possession of a truck, the Overlord came back to the lab, but Howard, with the aid of Phil Blumburtt, hit him with an experimental neutron disintegrator. The alien was seemingly destroyed, but in reality, he was just been expelled from Jenning's body, thus gaining his original form. After a hard battle, Howard managed to hit him again with the disintegrator, killing him, and then destroyed the dimension machine, preventing other Overlords to come to Earth.[1]



The Dark Overlord showed great strength in relation to its monstrous size. Could project a type of electric like plasma beams from its eyes, tails and hosts hands. It can use this same energy to immobilize and dematerialize living beings. It has shown to be a skill pyrokinesis and telekinesis. Can physically possess the bodies of others, taking over and mutating it back into the dark Overlords true form. Can spit acid and has super breath strong enough to stop and push back a Dynatechnics Vehicle.


The Dark Overlord can't survive outside its own dimension without possess and grow in a host. Possessing a host cases the host body to begin to mutate until it returns to its true form. It needs to consume the energy from the likes of a car battery to a nuclear reactor or it will begin to hurt and grow weak.

See Also

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