If any of Cylo's toys had succeeded, you would be making this speech to them. That does not matter. the Dark Side is strength. I am that strength.
Appearing in "Book IV: End of Games, Part I"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Cylo-V (Mentioned)
Other Characters:
- Cassio Tagge (Mentioned)
- Emperor's Royal Guards
- The Jedi (Mentioned)
- Darth Maul (Mentioned)
- Darth Tyranus (Mentioned)
- Galactic Republic (Mentioned)
- Aiolin Astarte (Appears on screen)
- Morit Astarte (Appears on screen)
- Karbin (Appears on screen)
- Unidentified Trandoshan (Appears on screen)
- Tulon Voidgazer (Appears on screen)
- Black Krrsantan
- The Galaxy
- Core Worlds
- Outer Rim Territories
- Mustafar (Mentioned)
- Anthan system
- Tatooine (Mentioned)
- Cosmatanic Steppes (First appearance) (Mentioned)
- Mid Rim
- Naboo (Mentioned)
- Vrogas Vas (Mentioned)
- Vader's armor
- E-5 blaster rifle
- Force pike
- Hologram
- Darth Vader's lightsaber
- Proton torpedo (Mentioned)
Synopsis for "Book IV: End of Games, Part I"
- Synopsis not yet written
Appearing in "The Misadventures of Triple-Zero and Beetee"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Ruen (First appearance)
Other Characters:
- The Galaxy
- Outer Rim Territories
- Lotho Minor
- Wreck Belt (First appearance)
- Ruen's workshop (First appearance)
- Wreck Belt (First appearance)
- Lotho Minor
- Kallidahin Space (Mentioned)
- Quarantine World III (Mentioned)
- Outer Rim Territories
- Armor
- Blaster pistol
- Hologram
- Triple-Zero personality matrix
- Plasma fluid (Mentioned)
- Proton torpedo
- Death Star (Mentioned)
Synopsis for "The Misadventures of Triple-Zero and Beetee"
- Synopsis not yet written
Solicit Synopsis
New Story Arc! “END OF GAMES” begins this issue!
• Inspector Thanoth returns with some startling information.
• Vader may have passed his master’s tests...
• ...but will his own schemes prove his undoing?
• PLUS: A bonus tale of Triple-Zero and Beetee!