Marvel Database


David Kessler was an idealist with good intentions and wanted at all costs to help others, but despite the various approaches he could not make a difference. At that point he decided to go to Israel and after 20 days in the desert he had a vision of an angel, actually a Six-Fingered Hand demon, telling him that he was the new Messiah and granting him healing powers. So Kessler began touring Israel performing miracles and healing and building a loyal group of followers, including Eric Payne's wife, Cory. When Eric received a letter from Cory telling him about Kessler, he smelled demons instead of gods and went to Israel with the Defenders. Although he had witnessed some miracles of healing, including that of Kyle Richmond, Eric denounced Kessler to be a demon and then came the clash between the two forces, with Kessler who called an Army of Angels, actually demons masquerading as Angels. When Dr. Strange revealed the true demonic nature of angels, Kessler collapsed and his condition allowed the demon Hyppokri to possess his body, but when Hyppokri was about to finish off the Devil-Slayer, Kessler managed to regain control of his body and impaled himself on Eric's sword rather than being controlled by the demon.[1]



With the mystical powers granted to him by Hyppokri, Kessler was able to perform miraculous healings

See Also

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