- —Arch Director Reginald Blank
Appearing in 1st story
Featured Characters:
- Deadpool (Wade Wilson) (Impersonates Jace Burns)
Supporting Characters:
- Christina Goodface (First appearance) (Petrified)
- Risk Management Agency (Name revealed)
- Imp (Name revealed)
- "Arch Director Reginald Blank" (Name revealed)
- Ms. Shortbread (First appearance)
- Numerous unnamed others (First appearance)
- Risk Management Agency (Name revealed)
- General Chul-Mu Bak (First appearance; dies)
- Polyak's unnamed organization
- Vladica Polyak
- Polyak's unnamed employer (Voice only)
Other Characters:
- Death (Mentioned)
- Jace Burns (Mentioned) (Deceased)
- Deadpool Mercenary Services (Mentioned)
- Tim Allen (Mentioned) (Topical Reference)
- Eslo (First appearance)
- Dr. Chip Dipson
- Numerous unnamed others (Only appearance; death)
- Chip Dipson's grandfather (Mentioned)
- God (One-Above-All) (Mentioned)
- God (Yahweh) (Invoked)
- Department K (Mentioned)
Races and Species:
- Multiverse (Mentioned)
- Prime Marvel Universe
- Earth
- Death's Gate Island (First appearance) (Apparent destruction)
- United States of America
- New York (Cameo)
- New York City (Cameo)
- Manhattan (Cameo)
- Midtown (Cameo)
- Times Square (Cameo)
- Empire State Building (Cameo)
- Broadway (Mentioned)
- Midtown (Cameo)
- Manhattan (Cameo)
- New York City (Cameo)
- Washington, D.C.
- New York (Cameo)
- Antarctica
- Pinniped (First appearance)
- Polyak's unnamed employer's base (Behind the scenes)
- Earth
- Paradox Space (First appearance)
- Prime Marvel Universe
- R.M.A. Flight Pack
- The Santa Clause (Mentioned) (Topical Reference)
- Protolith (First appearance)
Synopsis for 1st story
Deadpool is impersonating the American superspy Jace Burns after Jace was previously burned to death and his colleagues at the secret arm of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) thought that Deadpool was a disfigured Jace. Deadpool goes on a mission to save a damsel named Christina from an evil Chinese general on a location called Death's Gate Island. He succeeds in rescuing her, but as he drives away on his spy boat, the island blows up behind him and the woman he rescued is suddenly turned to stone. While Deadpool is still processing these events, his boat approaches another piece of land and Deadpool is quickly given instructions by a holograpm of the USDA's lead inventor known as Imp who instructs Deadpool on how to convert the spy boat into a sports car. Deadpool presses the button to transform the boat, and then drives away back to the USDA.
Inside the USDA headquarters, Deadpool debriefs the rest of his team about what happened at the island, and while doing so Imp surprises him by taking a sample of Deadpool's blood to run tests on it. Deadpool, afraid that he will be found out as not the true Jace when the blood results arrive, sneaks back down out of the headquarters to take the spy car and leave the USDA. When in the car, however, Deadpool accidentally finds that the vehicle contains extra packets of Jace's blood to use in emergencies, and Deadpool has the idea that he can switch out the blood in the testing samples with some of the blood from one of the packets.
When Deadpool tries to return to the inside of the headquarters, however, he is stopped by the robotic guards because he does not know the newest passphrase to enter. Deadpool destroys the robotic guards in self-defence and in frustration, but during the fight oe of his arms is chopped in half. Deadpool takes the blood packet to the labratory and replaces his blood sample with the blood from the car. He then re-attaches his arm which quickly heals itself back into place, but is surprised to find a shocked Imp standing behind him, having watched him re-attach his severed arm.
Solicit Synopsis
Times are tough for the Merc with a Mouth, so when a botched horse rescue mission leads to Deadpool accidently infiltrating the super-secret spy organization, RISK MANAGEMENT AGENCY, by resembling their best field agent Jace Burns after he was burned in a horrible fire, who is Deadpool to correct them? Watch out world, the name's POOL. DEADPOOL.
Part of the comiXology Originals line of exclusive digital content only available on comiXology and Kindle. This title is available as part of comiXology Unlimited.See Also
- 2 image(s) from Deadpool: Secret Agent Deadpool Vol 1 2
- 1 reprint(s) of Deadpool: Secret Agent Deadpool Vol 1 2