Marvel Database

Quote1 No, no, it's nothing like that. I want you all on my Christmas card! Quote2

Appearing in 1st story

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Synopsis for 1st story

  • Synopsis not yet written

Solicit Synopsis

It’s the Deadpool team-up you’ve all been waiting for! The Merc With a Mouth joins forces with the likes of Squirrel Girl, Rocket Raccoon, Groot, Ant-Man, Howard the Duck and the Punisher to solve a murder most foul in DEADPOOL: TOO SOON? Vol 1 1 – the newest Marvel Infinite Comic coming to digital devices everywhere on July 6th! Marvel newcomer Joshua Corin joins artist Todd Nauck for a tale mystery & mayhem in the mighty Marvel manner!

Someone has murdered the Forbush Man! Could someone be targeting some of the Marvel Universe’s funniest heroes for death? That’s certainly what Deadpool thinks – and he’s gathered a number of characters in a spooky old mansion (naturally) to help crack the case. Good thing Deadpool is known for his world renowned investigative skills! But as more bodies start turning up, can these heroes solve the mystery before their goose is cooked?

See Also

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