Appearing in 1st story
Featured Characters:
- Deadpool (Wade Wilson)
- Punisher (Frank Castle) (Apparent death)
Supporting Characters:
- Taskmaster (Tony Masters) (Apparent death)
- The Bank (Simon Banks)
- The Bank's henchmen
Other Characters:
- Taskmaster's students (Corpses)
- Mariana Banks (Mentioned) (Deceased)
- God (Yahweh) (Invoked)
- U.S. Army Special Forces (Mentioned)
- All-Father Odin (Mentioned)
- Sophia Petrillo (Mentioned) (Topical Reference)
- Dorothy Zbornak (Mentioned) (Topical Reference)
- Rose Nylund (Mentioned) (Topical Reference)
- Blanche Devereaux (Mentioned) (Topical Reference)
- Emma Jane (Mentioned) (Topical Reference)
Races and Species:
- Earth
- The Bank's Offshore Vault (First appearance)
- The Afterlife (Mentioned)
- Hell (Mentioned)
- Deadpool's Suit
- Deadpool's Katanas
- Punisher's Suit
- Taskmaster's Shield
- Punisher's Arsenal (Mentioned)
- Unnamed Cargo Ship (First appearance)
Synopsis for 1st story
- Synopsis not yet written
Solicit Synopsis
• I just realized —
• Deadpool has trouble being frank…
• And Frank Castle has trouble being dead.
• …well, I thought it was funny.