Marvel Database


The young mutant known as Dummy became a student of the Xavier Institute before his powers manifested. When they did, he became a sentient gas, and was contained in a latex suit that granted him a humanoid appearance and functionality.[citation needed]

He later took part in Xorn's Special Class, along with other students such as Basilisk, Angel Salvadore, and Beak.[2]

Dean Boswell (Earth-616) from New X-Men Vol 1 136 0001

Damaged by the U-Men

When Xorn took his students on an overnight camping trip in the woods nearby the Xavier Institute, they were attacked by the U-Men, a group of humans who harvested mutant body parts and grafted them onto themselves. Dummy was struck by one of the U-Men's scalpel projectiles, and started to leak away. He was saved by Beak, who covered the hole in his suit with a condom. Xorn took care of the majority of the U-Men well away from the Special Class. One soldier on his own threatened the group, but the mutant Basilisk stunned him with his powers.[3]

Dean Boswell (Earth-616) from New X-Men Vol 1 137 0001


The following day, fellow student Quentin Quire started a riot over perceived mistreatment. His group took over the main building while most of the visitors, staff, and students were outside. An explosion sent a piece of shrapnel right through Dummy's suit, scattering his gas form.[4]

His final fate was uncertain, Basilisk claimed to later smell him at the Institute's prize-giving ceremony.[5] Though Given Basilisk's unusual personality, it was probably just a fart joke. However, it could also be true and Dummy was still alive, because his gaseous body was somehow gathered and contained within the suit after his powers manifested, so leaving the suit shouldn't have killed him.


Power Grid[6]
:Category:Power Grid/Fighting Skills/Normal:Category:Power Grid/Energy Projection/None:Category:Power Grid/Durability/Normal:Category:Power Grid/Speed/Normal:Category:Power Grid/Strength/Normal:Category:Power Grid/Intelligence/Normal


Gas Form: Boswell was a mutant. When his powers manifested, his entire body was transformed into gas. He was unable to transform back and had troubles to keep his body together, so his body was put into specially-designed containment suit.[3]



Contains himself in a specially-designed suit.

See Also

Links and References

