The entity known as Death was a survivor of the previous universe, whose destruction gave birth to the current cosmos. Death and other survivors formed the group known as the Elders of the Universe. The Elders wished to reconstruct their universe, which had been destroyed as a result of overpopulation by the Celestials. [1]
Aware that they could not directly challenge the Celestials, the Elders sought to recreate their universe from the remains of the Celestials' procreation. To that end, they created the Realm of the Dead as a collecting pool, which would gather the matter and souls of the deceased. Death was placed in charge of this realm. [1]
When the Celestials visited the planet Earth and manipulated primitive humanity, one of the first deviants would become known as Mephisto. Having reached the third tier of mutation, wherein his form and identity was shaped by the beliefs of others, Mephisto came to believe himself to be the devil. At some point, Mephisto made contact with Death, and fancied himself a father-figure to the Elder. He gained the ability to travel to the Realm of the Dead at will.[2]
Death's reasons for humoring Mephisto's beliefs are unknown, however, Mephisto's machinations led to the creation of countless alternate realities, whose deceased would also find their way into the Realm of the Dead.
Death would also visit Thanos, the Mad Titan, impersonating his mother in order for him to do her bidding. Thanos become Death's most loyal follower, serving her faithfully both during his life and later within the Realm of the Dead. At some point, Death and Mephisto made a deal with the Kree supercomputer known as the Supreme Intelligence, allowing it to collect the souls of every deceased Kree and store them within itself. [3] [4]
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One of the residents of Death's realm was the Kree hero Mar-Vell. By virtue of his connection to the human Rick Jones and his cosmic consciousness, Mar-Vell was able to escape the grasp of the Supreme Intelligence and became the sole Kree residing in Death's realm. While the denizens of the realm were all convinced that they were still alive, and all those they had left behind the ones dead, Mar-Vell eventually realized that he was in fact dead.[1]
Mar-Vell began to scheme to overthrow Death and free the souls of all those trapped in the Realm of the Dead. When Arcturus Rann was killed, the Enigma Force traveled with him to the Realm of the Dead. Rann bestowed the force to Mar-Vell, who was now finally able to put his plans into motion. Requiring more power to achieve his ultimate goal, Mar-Vell engineered his rebirth in the realm of the living, existing now as a binary being, and began final preparations for his all-out war against Death.[1]
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With his plans well under way, Mar-Vell began gathering an army of followers, convincing them that they were dead and recruiting them to his crusade. Death was well aware of his plans, and stalked him throughout the realm of the living.[5]
With time running out, Mar-Vell began his march against Death's stronghold, despite not yet having all he needed to defeat her, as Death's influence was taking its toll on his army. As the battle began, Death moved amongst Mar-Vell's army, impersonating their loved ones and convincing them that they were still alive, causing them to desert Mar-Vell.[2]
Upon gaining the final piece of the cosmic consciousness in the realm of the living, Mar-Vell's body in Death's realm became inert. With his army scattered, he was captured by Death. However, just before Mephisto could maim him, Captain America rallied Mar-Vell's army and resumed the battle.[3]
This bought enough time for Mar-Vell to gain the final piece he required to defeat Death; Silver Surfer's Power Cosmic. Now reawakened, Mar-Vell banished Mephisto and told Thanos the truth of Death's manipulation of him, and the true fate of his mother. With the truth revealed, Thanos used the Ultimate Nullifier to destroy Death. Death spoke only one word: "Wait", before being destroyed.[6]
Although the heroes claimed victory, they did not realize the repercussions of killing Death until much later: that without Death, nobody on Earth would die, leaving the mortally wounded to suffer forever. Death was eventually replaced by Jude the Entropic Man.[7] [8]See Also
- 15 appearance(s) of Death (Earth-9997)
- 3 mention(s) of Death (Earth-9997)
- 1 mention(s) in handbook(s) of Death (Earth-9997)
- 4 image(s) of Death (Earth-9997)