Marvel Database


In the year 2018 an unknown vagabond was drinking by a trashcan fire when a monstrous Minion-Prototype scared him before Dr. Necker shot him in order to use his brain to be transplanted into the Minion-Prototype's body. Dr. Necker next saw him two years later while she was employed be Omni Corporation. She quickly when about fixing him and exploring the idea of time travel. Sending him to Earth-9939 where he battled Charnel's liquid metal spawns, upon his return to Earth-8410 he accidentally brought a piece of this creatures back. With this fragment Dr. Necker created a new android name Death Metal, however her new creation soon turned on her and Death Wreck was summoned to deal with the problem. However he was sucked into the time vortex and vanished.[1] When he was next seen Death Wreck was in unknown lands before he was encountered by a blind Alicia Master Grimm, who befriended him and returned him to Venger Mansion where Jarvis and Lord Stark awaited. Lord Stark confronted him for drinking the little wine they had, wanting to leave because he was not wanted Death Wreck insulted Lord Stark which cause a massive fight. Jarvis called upon an aged Black Widow and severely impaired Ben Grim whose body had been fuse together and thanks to power armor was able to walk. However Anthony Stark stop the argument because he heard of Death Wreck mention of him being a time traveling. Those he used a special machine to summon all who genetic trace was similar to him, bringing Death's Head Minion.[2]


Power Grid[4]
:Category:Power Grid/Fighting Skills/Experienced Fighter:Category:Power Grid/Energy Projection/Single Type: Medium Range:Category:Power Grid/Durability/Superhuman:Category:Power Grid/Speed/Normal:Category:Power Grid/Strength/Superhuman (25-75 ton):Category:Power Grid/Intelligence/Normal


  • Mental Illness: Death Wreck is very slow witted, and his alcohol addiction makes it even worse.


  • Death Wreck is similar to Frankenstein's Monster as he is a creature created from discarded parts.

See Also

Links and References

