Marvel Database

Quote1 I was sitting here thinking of my disciple... my lover... Clea. Although I have conquered the despair that overwhelmed me when she left -- there remains a void in my life, Master of the mystic arts I may be... but I am still too much -- a man. Quote2
Doctor Strange

Appearing in "Two by Two"

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Synopsis for "Two by Two"

Over-Mind senses that Dr. Strange is depressed since Clea has left him, so he shows Strange visions of the other Defenders and their relationships. First, they see the Vision and Scarlet Witch taking their leave of the Defenders after their adventure on Earth-S. Vera then drags the Beast away, pointing out that they haven’t spent any time alone together in weeks. Outside, the Beast is mobbed by female admirers, which makes Vera jealous. Beast explains that he has had to reinvent himself over the years—from the studious bookworm he was with the X-Men to the comedian he became since turning blue-and-furry. He says that he sometimes doesn’t know who he is, but Vera offers to help him find out. Valkyrie offers to escort Namor back to Atlantis on Aragorn, and they spend some time frolicking in the sea until she kisses him. Namor claims that his heart will always belong to his long-dead Lady Dorma and there can never be anyone else, so he departs. Hellcat returns and is reunited with Son of Satan, but when she says that she doesn’t know if she loves him, he leaves angrily. Finally, Strange and Over-Mind look in on Gargoyle and Hellcat’s housekeeper, Dolly Donahue, who take comfort in the fact that, at their age, they appreciate just being together. When the Defenders reunite later in the evening, Strange puts on a magical display of fireworks. When asked why, Strange merely replies, “Love.”


  • Beast explains that both his intellectual persona as one of the original X-Men,[1] and happy-go-lucky persona after his furry transformation,[2] are coping mechanisms.
  • Inks are credited to Diverse Hands. Mignola is credited in Back Issue #21.

See Also

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