Appearing in "Love, Anarchy, and Oh Yes... the Assassin!"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Committee for Free Emigration (First appearance)
- Mrs. Rosenzweig
- Assassin (First appearance)
Other Characters:
- Matt Murdock
- Wong
- Elf With a Gun
- kid playing baseball
- senatorial candidate Winthrop
- Nebulon (Photo)
- Ruby Thursday (Thursday Rubinstein) (Photo)
- New York City
- Southwestern United States
Synopsis for "Love, Anarchy, and Oh Yes... the Assassin!"
Valkyrie is cleared of all charges and released after Kyle arranges to have the damages caused by her battle with Chondu paid, and hires the services of Matt Murdock to represent Val in court. As a welcome home gift, Clea gives Valkyrie a new costume. Meanwhile Dr. Strange muses about humanity and the Hulk breaks up a protest in front of an adult movie theater. Nighthawk finally gets fed up of listening to Jack Norriss' whining and pays him 300 thousand dollars to go away.
The Defenders are given a rude note thrown into the window by a group known as "Citizens for Free Emigration" who are against the inclusion of Red Guardian on their team. Chasing after the culprit, Red Guardian battles their super powered muscle, The Assassin, and soon defeats him.
- The Defenders are seen next (and this story continues) in Defenders Annual #1.
- The weapon Dragonfang returns this issue. It has been in police custody and not been seen since Defenders #36.
- This issue contatins a letters page Defenders Dialogue. Letters are published from Steve Wasson, Ed Norton, David LaSalle, and "The Brain Police".