Marvel Database
Marvel Database


Dennis Dunphy is a young hero fan who works at Damage Control. [1]

Demolition Mission[]

Dennis Dunphy (Earth-13122) from LEGO Marvel Avengers Mission Demolition 0001

One day, trying to go to Avengers Con, Dennis was convinced by Terry to use advanced and dangerous items that are stored in the Damage Control warehouse to finish the job faster, without knowing that Terry was actually Terrax who would use Galactus to get the Cosmic Axe. Seeing that Terrax used Galactus to trap the Avengers and other heroes (with the exception of Vision's head, which he accidentally ripped off), Dannis asked other heroes for help and tried to take Vision's head to his body, so that he could use his intangibility to free everyone.

Although the plan initially did not work as the other heroes were captured and Vision's head was caught by Terrax, Dennis realized that his ability is to destroy everything he touches, destroying Galactus and freeing all the heroes, defeating Terrax. After all, Dennis took on the codename Demolition Man and became a member of the Avengers.[1]


See Also

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