Marvel Database
Marvel Database
Marvel Database


Dirk Garthwaite was a Class-A super soldier and a member of the superhuman clean-up team Wrecking Crew which for some reason became criminally rogue.
Dirk Garthwaite (Earth-1610) from Ultimate Hulk Annual Vol 1 1 001

In costume

Along with his colleagues Bulldozer, Thunderball and Piledriver, he attacked the Gridiron building in Manhattan. Wrecker ran afoul of the dimensionally-displaced hero, Zarda, who easily defeated the team and would have killed them all had it not been for the intervention of Captain America.[1]



The Wrecker wields a four-foot long cast iron crowbar which has become virtually indestructible. Wielded by the superhumanly strong Wrecker, the crowbar becomes a weapon of vast destructive potential.

See Also

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