Marvel Database


The Divide is the border between the Iron and the Blue, marked by a chasm that bisected the former site of St. Louis, Missouri. Fifteen million people were killed in the surrounding area when Prison 42 detonated and formed the chasm. The Blue lays west of the divide while the Iron is on the eastern side. According to President Stark, General America's territory west of Saint Louis is twice the size of the Iron although it has half the population.

Divide from Civil War Vol 2 1 001

The bridge crossing the chasm at the Ground Zero Crater is the only link between the Iron and the Blue. The "town" features a diner and fueling station and Miriam Sharpe's home.

A meeting arraged by Miriam Sharpe took place in the Divide, where Tony Stark and Steve Rogers would try begin peace talks to reunite the nation.[1]

When the two territories finally achieved peace, the Divide began being fixed.[2]

See Also

Links and References

