Marvel Database

Quote1 By the dread Vipers of Valtorr! Quote2
Doctor Strange

Appearing in "The Power and the Pendulum!"

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Synopsis for "The Power and the Pendulum!"

Deciding that Clea needs a place of her own while living on Earth, Doctor Strange takes her out to show her the outside world, however after she uses her powers to banish a gawker, Strange has to quickly usher them to saftey from a mob and use his mystical powers to erase their memories. Back at his Sanctum, Strange finds a telegram asking that he is to go out and visit a Lord Nekron in England.

Traveling there with Victoria Bentley, Strange meets with Nekron along with Victoria. However, during dinner Victoria's drink is drugged and it's revealed that Nekkron is a follower of Satannish. One night while summoning Satannish he was granted more and more occult power each day for a whole year, where he would find an equally adept mystic to become Satannish's slave or put his soul in forfeit. Having chosen Doctor Strange, the two battle, however Doctor Strange proves too skilled for Nekron, and when his time is up, Satannish claims his soul instead of Strange's. After the battle, Victoria revives, and she and Doctor Strange part company.


  • This issue contains a letters page, Strange Mails. Letters are published from Mark Barad, Jim Rohal, Peter Winslow, L. Richburg & J. Ward, Paul Sanford, Terry Cox, Linnea Johnson, and M.A. Carson.

See Also

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