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Marvel Database

Appearing in "Where There's Smoke..."

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Synopsis for "Where There's Smoke..."

Returning home after saving a woman from a burning building, Strange is greeted warmly by Clea. However before he can explain the many events that have transpired they are interrupted by a knock at the door. Answering it, Strange is greeted by a man named James Mandarin, who wishes to be Strange's disciple. When Strange refuses, Mandarin cuts his own throat.

After medically treating Mandarin, Strange attempts to find consultation with how to deal with the recreation of Earth when he's attacked by demons, but summons them away. Rebuffing another of Mandarin's requests to become his disciple, Strange tells Clea of what happened following his encounter with Eternity. Very upset with the idea of being destroyed and recreated, Clea freaks out, and as Strange tries to calm her Mandarin appears again this time possessed by Satan who transports all three to his domain.

See Also

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