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Marvel Database

Appearing in "Utopia Rising!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Stygyro (First appearance)
  • Blackguards

Other Characters:



Synopsis for "Utopia Rising!"

Stopping James Mandarin from escaping Dr. Strange's Sanctum with books he stole, Strange banishes Mandarin to never return again. Among the recovered books is "New Atlantis" by Sir Francis Bacon, which interests Clea, on a day which is coincidentally the United States bi-centennial. After Rama Kaliph and Lord Phyffe depart from Strange's Mansion, Dr. Strange takes Clea on a journey to London in the year 1618 where they meet with Francis Bacon.

After conversing with Bacon in a bar about his planned quest to find the Americas, they are later attacked by swashbucklers that are under some mystical thrall. The next day Bacon gives Strange some pages of his book "New Atlantis" which he is writing. That night while reading them, they are attacked by a magician by the name of Stygyro, seeking the lost pages of the book. In the battle they are destroyed and Stygyro escapes. When Francis bursts into the room he tells Strange that he never intended to make New Atlantis a complete work. After Bacon tells them that the King has chosen him to find the new world.

See Also

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