Appearing in "Doctor Stranger Yet!"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Doctor Stranger Yet (First appearance)
Other Characters:
- Cloak of Levitation
- Eye of Agamotto
- Cosmic Wheel of Change (Only in flashback)
- Orb of Agamotto (Only in flashback)
- Spells
- Vapors of Valtorr (Invoked)
- Crimson Bands of Cyttorak (Invoked)
- Shield of the Seraphim
Synopsis for "Doctor Stranger Yet!"
Rescued from the Quadriverse by Clea and Wong, Dr. Strange tells them of his failure while putting the stars-stuck-in-human-form in a safe place in space. Probing his body, Strange finds the demon which infected him and caused him to falter in combat.
Returning to Earth, they find that the planet has been changed and most people appear to be animals. Returning to Strange's Sanctum, they find a boar-headed doppleganger of Dr. Strange working for the Creators who goes by the name Dr. Stranger Yet. Battling Stranger Yet, Dr. Strange manages to defeat the bore. After the fight, Strange begins to wonder where to begin fixing the predicament they are in.