Marvel Database

Appearing in "The Demon Fever!"

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Synopsis for "The Demon Fever!"

Clea is confronted by Dormammu who explains that he survived his last battle against the Avengers and the Defenders and has been living off the heat from the core of the Earth to expand his powers. However interference by Mother Nature causes Dormammu to temporarily flee.

While in the Dark Dimension, Dr. Strange battles the hordes of Umar led by her general Orini, during the fight Strange is defeated and has the attempt to drain his mystical power with the G'Uranthic Guardian. While back on Earth, Clea seeks the aid of other mystics to help stop Dormammu, but to no avail. After fighting off an attacking group of Dormammu worshipers, Clea travels to the Dark Dimension to retrieve Dr. Strange. Upon arriving there Clea is shocked when Orini reveals his identity as her father to her.


Part of this story continues in Giant-Size Avengers #4, as the Vision and the Scarlet Witch battle Dormammu

See Also

Links and References

