“I must stock up with provisions. I haven't had a thing to eat since I took off from Zaggar-Six!”
Appearing in "Doctor Who and the Iron Legion (part 1)"
Doctor Who Weekly #1
Featured Characters:
- The Doctor (First appearance)
- Iron Legion (First appearance)
- Ninth Legion
- General Ironicus (First appearance)
- First Cohort
- Ninth Legion
- Gods of Rome (First appearance) (Appears on screen)
Other Characters:
- Shopkeeper (First appearance; dies)
Races and Species:
- Humans
- Robots
- Time Lords
- Earth-5556 (First appearance)
- General Ironicus's Ballista
- The Doctor's TARDIS
Synopsis for "Doctor Who and the Iron Legion (part 1)"
Doctor Who Weekly #1
Appearing in "Doctor Who and the Iron Legion (part 2)"
Doctor Who Weekly #2
Featured Characters:
- Iron Legion
- Ninth Legion
- General Ironicus
- First Cohort
- Ninth Legion
- Adolphus Caesar (First appearance)
Other Characters:
- Maximus Bilious
- Barbarius
- Juno (First appearance)
- Parallel dimension
Synopsis for "Doctor Who and the Iron Legion (part 2)"
Doctor Who Weekly #2
The Doctor throws himself into the TARDIS and throws a switch on the controls, just before the tank's blast hits, and the TARDIS leaves, narrowly avoiding the shot. However, the TARDIS is caught up in a dimensional disturbance while traveling through time and space. Meanwhile, on another planet, Maximus Bilious, a newscaster, reports of recent events on the planet. He is doing a feature inside an arena, and he interviews Barbarius, keeper of different monsters, what is in store for the crowds of people in the arena tonight.
Just then, General Ironicus returns with the Iron Legion. The TARDIS materializes on a balcony overlooking the crowd, and The Doctor steps out. He is arrested by the Legion, but the crowd's attention turns to a newcomer on the balcony, a young boy. The boy is Emperor Adolphus Caesar, and he is accompanied by his mother. The emperor declares the start of the gladiatorial games in the arena, and The Doctor realizes he truth, that this is an alternate Earth where Rome never fell, but instead built a large robot army and began conquering the galaxy. Ironic demands that The Doctor reveal the secrets of the TARDIS, since he recognizes that is a time machine as well as a space vehicle. The Doctor refuses, and Ironicus has him thrown off the balcony and into the pit, the center of the arena where all the carnage occurs.
The story is continued next issue...Appearing in "Doctor Who and the Iron Legion (part 3)"
Doctor Who Weekly #3
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Morris (First appearance)
- Iron Legion
- Ninth Legion
- Emperor Adolphus Caesar
Other Characters:
- Ectoslime (First appearance)
- Juno (Unnamed)
- Parallel dimension
Synopsis for "Doctor Who and the Iron Legion (part 3)"
Doctor Who Weekly #3
Having been involuntarily thrown into the pit of the Roman gladiatorial arena on an alternate Earth, The Doctor must now face a large alien known as an Ectoslime. The Ectoslime is known for stunning its victims with its odor, and then liquefying and drinking them. The Doctor covers his mouth and nose with his scarf so as not to breath in the smell, and he retrieves a spear from a fallen alien from the previous gladiatorial match. While keeping the Ectoslime at bay, he tries to remember the Ectoslimes' weakness. General Ironicus motions for the alien to kill him, but The Doctor begins speaking to the slime in an alien language. The Ectoslime stops short of killing The Doctor, and he tells the crowd that he told it a joke in its native tongue, since Ectoslimes are known for their highly developed sense of humor. Furious that The Doctor ruined his game, Ironicus demands that The Doctor be brought to him.
The Doctor is brought to Ironicus, who has him put to work in the Imperial Air Galley, a blimp, as a slave. While working, he meets a cyborg by the name of Morris. Though Morris has a diminished intellect, the two become friends. Ironicus, Emperor Adolphus Caesar, and Caesar's mother walk down the gangway of the blimp, and The Doctor notices something about the mother. Morris asks him what it is, and he informs the cyborg that he's figured out the terrible secret of the Galactic Roman Empire.
The story is continued next issue...Appearing in "Doctor Who and the Iron Legion (part 4)"
Doctor Who Weekly #4
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Iron Legion
- Gods of Rome (Malevilus) (First full appearance)
- The Alien Guard (First appearance)
Other Characters:
- Vesuvius (First appearance)
- Parallel dimension
Synopsis for "Doctor Who and the Iron Legion (part 4)"
Doctor Who Weekly #4
The Imperial Air Galley enters the temple of the Gods of Rome, but the imprisoned Doctor realizes that the temple is actually a spaceship. The Doctor concludes the he and Morris must escape, and Morris uses his metal arm to break free of his chains. He dispatches with the guard, and the two flee. They are pursued by the Alien Guard, the protectors of the temple, and they are soon caught between two groups. Both groups fire on the two, but they duck, and the lakers shred both groups and kill them.
The two continue through the temple, and they find a small mechanical being named Vesuvius, who is spouting oil from the top of his head. The Doctor lights the oil, and a continuous flame comes fro his head, apparently giving him relief. He joins them, and the three find Ironicus kneeling in front of statues of the Gods of Rome. The statues start to move, and they reveal themselves as an alien race, not gods. A horrified Doctor recognizes the as Malevilus, a terribly evil race.
The story is continued next issue...Appearing in "Doctor Who and the Iron Legion, Part Five: Against the Gods!"
Doctor Who Weekly #5
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Iron Legion
- Gods of Rome (Malevilus)
- The Alien Guard
Other Characters:
- Emperor Adolphus Caesar
- Robot Flying Squad (First appearance)
- Earth-5556 (Doctor Who Universe)
- Earth (an alternate version)
- Atmosphere craft
Synopsis for "Doctor Who and the Iron Legion, Part Five: Against the Gods!"
Doctor Who Weekly #5
Along with his companions Moriss and Vesuvius, The Doctor has found the Gods of Rome, only to find that they are actually the villainous race known as the Malevilus. Inside the temple with them is General Ironicus, who is offering captured humans to the Malevilus as a sacrifice. Juno, Emperor Adolphus Caesar's mother, leads Adolphus away from the sacrifice, to his disappointment. The Doctor explains to a confused Morris that the Malevilus are forms of anti-life, and that they feed off of death. Meanwhile, the Malevilus swoop down upon the nearby humans and brutally feed on them. Vesuvius says that he knows the Malevilus' secret, but before he can reveal it, a member of the Alien Guard points a gun at them. Morris sneaks up behind the guard and incapacitates him with a chain, and The Doctor takes the man's gun. He turns it on Ironicus.
One Malevilus, Babiyon, says that they don't care about Ironicus, but the leader, Magog, says that Ironicus is still useful for them, so he will do what The Doctor says. He tells Ironicus to lead them out of the temple, and he does. They get to the entrance, and The Doctor and his companions pile into an atmosphere craft to leave. Ironic draws his sword and slashes at The Doctor, who narrowly avoids it. They take off in the craft, but the Malevilus give chase. They crash through the observation window of the temple to escape, but find themselves facing a Robot Flying Squad. Vesuvius remarks that they're now trapped between the squad and the Malevilus.
The story is continued next issue...Appearing in "Doctor Who and the Iron Legion (part 6)"
Doctor Who Weekly #6
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Iron Legion
- Robot Flying Squad (Destroyed)
- Malevilus
Other Characters:
- Bestiarus (First appearance)
- Earth-5556 (Doctor Who Universe)
- Earth (an alternate version)
- Atmosphere craft
Synopsis for "Doctor Who and the Iron Legion (part 6)"
Doctor Who Weekly #6
The Doctor and his companions, Moriss and Vesuvius, are now trapped between a Robot Flying Squad from the Iron Legion, and the sinister Malevilus. The Flying Squad opens fire, but The Doctor expertly flies their atmosphere craft through the air, but they can't escape. The Malevlus suddenly turn back and retreat back into their temple, and The Doctor realizes that they've retreated because they don't want people to see who they are. Morris uses the gun they stole from the Alien Guard member, and takes out two of the squad.
The bacteria from the gun hits the robots and eats its way through their metal, destroying them. The Doctor turns, and sees that they only have two of the squad left. Morris uses the turret on their craft and blows up their pursuers. One of the robots grabs a gun and fires at them from the ground before dying, and the shot hits the side of their vehicle and damages it. They land, relatively unscathed, but Morris is injured by the blast. The Doctor regretfully informs Morris that his injuries are too severe, and Morris says goodbye to him and Vesuvius before dying. The two continue through the city, and Vesuvius leads him to the Halls of the Bestiarus, genetically altered beast-men. the two enter, and find the deactivated Bestiarus soldiers in hibernation, and The Doctor decides to reanimate them and use them to defeat the Malevilus once and for all.
The story is continued next issue...Appearing in "The Iron Legion"
Doctor Who Weekly #7
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Iron Legion
- General Ironicus (Destroyed)
- Malevilus
- Magog (Revealed as Magog)
Other Characters:
- Bestiarus
- Emperor Adolphus Caesar (Cameo)
- Earth-5556 (Doctor Who Universe)
- Earth (an alternate version)
Synopsis for "The Iron Legion"
Doctor Who Weekly #7
Inside the Halls of the Beast-Men, The Doctor and Vesuvius re-activate the Bestiarus, genetically altered soldiers used as engines of destruction by the villainous Iron Legion. The Doctor instructs them to use the catacombs under the city to strike all the strategic points, and he goes on to say that they need to seize the Roman Empire in the next 24 hours. Meanwhile, at inside the Imperial Box, Juno tells General Ironicus that the gods are displeased with him, and that he better find The Doctor soon, or else. Just then, The Doctor walks in on them.
He calls Juno out, saying that she is Magog, and she becomes outraged at Ironicus for not finding him sooner. She demonstrates her powers, and telekinetically causes Ironicus to combust from the inside. The robot screams, and falls out of the box in a flaming mess. The Doctor turns back to Juno, who transforms into her Malevilus form before his eyes. Now in her normal form, she attacks The Doctor.
The story is continued next issue...Appearing in "The Iron Legion"
Doctor Who Weekly #8
Featured Characters:
- Iron Legion (Destroyed)
- Malevilus (Death)
Other Characters:
- Bestiarus (Final appearance)
- Vesuvius (Final appearance)
- Emperor Adolphus Caesar (Cameo) (Final appearance)
- Earth-5556 (Doctor Who Universe)
- Earth (an alternate version)
- The Doctor's TARDIS
Synopsis for "The Iron Legion"
Doctor Who Weekly #8
While the Bestiarus clash with the Iron Legion in the city, The Doctor finds himself trapped by Magog inside the circus in the city. Magog uses his powers to make images of himself appear all around The Doctor. When this doesn't impress The Doctor, Magog, uses his powers to hurt the Time-Lord. The Doctor sees a nearby TV camera trained on the activity in the circus below, and he grabs it and turns it on Magog. Magog's face appears on TV screens all across the city, and The Doctor says that this is the face of the citizens' god. Seeing Magog's vile face, they hear The Doctor telling them to rise up, and they begin to attack the nearby robots of the Iron Legion. Magog knocks The Doctor down, and prepares to eat him.
He tries to bite into The Doctor's leg, but finds that it's quite tough, and he drags the Time-Lord off in search of the TARDIS, exclaiming that The Doctor will tell him the secret of the TARDIS before he dies. The Doctor takes him inside the ship and shows him the controls, and The Doctor manipulates him into pressing a red button on the console. Magog does, and a portal into an empty dimension opens, pulling Magog into it. The Doctor gloats and closes the portal, trapping Magog in the dimension forever. Elsewhere, the other Malevilus attempt to leave in their ship, which is attacked by hordes of Bestiarus. The ship takes off, but suddenly the engines die and the ship crashes and explodes killing the remaining Malevilus. Later, The Doctor says goodbye to Vesuvius, who has been appointed as the new emperor. The Doctor also gives him the name of a good boarding school to take the old emperor, Adolphus Caesar, to. With that, he wishes them luck, and leaves in the TARDIS.Appearing in "City of the Damned"
Doctor Who Weekly #9
Featured Characters:
- Earth-5556 (Doctor Who Universe)
- The Doctor's Type 40 TARDIS
Synopsis for "City of the Damned"
Doctor Who Weekly #9
- Synopsis not yet written
Appearing in "City of the Damned"
Doctor Who Weekly #10
Featured Characters:
- Earth-5556 (Doctor Who Universe)
- The Doctor's Type 40 TARDIS
Synopsis for "City of the Damned"
Doctor Who Weekly #10
- Synopsis not yet written
Appearing in "City of the Damned"
Doctor Who Weekly #11
Featured Characters:
- Earth-5556 (Doctor Who Universe)
- The Doctor's Type 40 TARDIS
Synopsis for "City of the Damned"
Doctor Who Weekly #11
- Synopsis not yet written
Appearing in "City of the Damned"
Doctor Who Weekly #12
Featured Characters:
- Earth-5556 (Doctor Who Universe)
- The Doctor's Type 40 TARDIS
Synopsis for "City of the Damned"
Doctor Who Weekly #12
- Synopsis not yet written
Appearing in "City of the Damned"
Doctor Who Weekly #13
Featured Characters:
- Earth-5556 (Doctor Who Universe)
- The Doctor's Type 40 TARDIS
Synopsis for "City of the Damned"
Doctor Who Weekly #13
- Synopsis not yet written
Appearing in "City of the Damned"
Doctor Who Weekly #14
Featured Characters:
- Earth-5556 (Doctor Who Universe)
- The Doctor's Type 40 TARDIS
Synopsis for "City of the Damned"
Doctor Who Weekly #14
- Synopsis not yet written
Appearing in "City of the Damned"
Doctor Who Weekly #15
Featured Characters:
- Earth-5556 (Doctor Who Universe)
- The Doctor's Type 40 TARDIS
Synopsis for "City of the Damned"
Doctor Who Weekly #15
- Synopsis not yet written
Appearing in "City of the Damned"
Doctor Who Weekly #16
Featured Characters:
- Earth-5556 (Doctor Who Universe)
- The Doctor's Type 40 TARDIS
Synopsis for "City of the Damned"
Doctor Who Weekly #16
- Synopsis not yet written