Appearing in "Doctor Conkerer!"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- 5th century vikings (First appearance)
Other Characters:
- Earth-5556 (Doctor Who Universe)
- Earth
- United Kingdom
- Britain (5th century)
- United Kingdom
- Earth
- The Doctor's umbrella
- Conkers
- The Doctor's TARDIS
Synopsis for "Doctor Conkerer!"
Inside the TARDIS, The Doctor decides that he wants to play a game of conkers, so he plays with his umbrella, by tying a conker to the question mark umbrella handle with string. After running out of conkers, The Doctor decides to go get some more, and stops off in Britain, in the 5th century. He collects some more, and then tries his hand at playing the game with a few vikings.
Appearing in "Doctor Who?"
Featured Characters:
Synopsis for "Doctor Who?"
- Synopsis not yet written
Appearing in "Nix View"
Featured Characters:
Synopsis for "Nix View"
- Synopsis not yet written
Appearing in "Living in the Past"
Featured Characters:
Synopsis for "Living in the Past"
Illustrated text story.
Solicit Synopsis
- What is this, a Doctor Who story?